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Keep reading for the entire Apple TV+ slate announcement. Shows are listed in order of premiere dates, with official synopses provided by Apple. “The New Look” Premiere date: Wednesday, February 14 Synopsis: A gripping new historical drama series from Todd A. Kessler, starring Emmy Award ...
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The series is coming back to Apple TV+ with the same premise and creator, redesigned for a 2019 audience. Michael Short//Getty Images Untitled Oprah Projects When Oprah shows up, you listen. The famed media personality announced a few separate ventures, including...
首先,在电脑上安装并设置好Alist,让它成为你的网盘资源小管家。登录后,只需轻松几步,就能让你的网盘资源满满当当,挑到手软! 接着,轮到网易爆米花登场啦!在Apple TV上打开网易爆米花,点击“添加新资源”,然后选择“WebDAV”这个神奇的传送门。记住哦,Apple TV和电脑必须连在同一个WiFi上,这样才能确保传送之旅...
The two newest additions to our list of the best shows and movies to watch on Apple TV+,The GorgeandSeverance, recently became the streaming service's biggest movie and TV show ever, respectively. This isn't saying much, because Apple TV+ has many fewer subscribers than other major streamin...
例如,当聚焦App Store时,横幅突出展现值得关注的新应用。当聚焦iTunes TV Shows时,用户可以看见一系列推荐节目。聚焦并且点击一个节目,就会直接跳转到应用内相关的节目详情页。聚焦到一个节目时,按下遥控器的播放/暂停键即刻开始回放该节目。 推荐内容的设计指南,参阅 4.3 顶部展区图片。
第一步,在电脑端打开alist,在管理-储存里添加网盘。(注意:alist和网易爆米花需在同一网络环境下) 第二步,网易爆米花支持跨平台同步, Apple TV上用遥控器操作不太方便,我们可以在手机上操作,视频会自动同步到 Apple TV上。 我们先在打开手机端的网易爆米花,点击右上角的+,从弹出的登录窗口里找到“webdav”...
Available TV Shows Apple has dozens of TV shows that have launched, and a bunch more that are at different stages of production. There are comedies, dramas, thrillers, documentaries, and shows aimed at children, with a full list of what Apple's working on below. Shantaram "Shantaram" is ...
安装Filmly:首先,打开Apple TV的应用商店,搜索“Filmly”并下载安装。安装完成后,打开Filmly应用,按照提示进行手机号验证。 网盘登录:我们需要先在电脑端的alist上挂载网盘,例如123、夸克等国产网盘。将电脑和Apple TV连接同一无线网后,打开alist后进入管理,找到储存,进行网盘添加。然后记下alist用户名和密码。