不过根据用户反馈,Apple TV 设备升级 tvOS 17.4 更新之后,由于第三方遥控器不兼容本次更新,导致无法正常使用。用户反馈包括索尼、三星、松下等公司的第三方遥控器,均不兼容 tvOS 17.4 更新。IT之家查询 Reddit 社区、X 平台等,均有用户反馈这个问题,但不清楚受影响范围和普遍程度。一些用户发现,他们可以让...
然而,由于这次更新与某些第三方遥控器不兼容,导致一些用户无法正常使用其设备。据悉,受影响的遥控器包括索尼、三星、松下等公司的产品。 这个问题在 Reddit 社区和 X 平台上都有用户提出,并且很受关注。尽管一些用户成功地让遥控器与 Apple TV 配对使用,但每次都需要重新进行配对操作。目前尚未发现已知的解决方法。 ...
谷到reddit有不少也有人碰到这情况不少人甚至在苹果店店员都解决不了,直接买个新的了,旧的放十天半个月自己就莫名好了突然有一个解释的说是遥控器故障了在不停的重复执行电源开关机让按住 小电视按钮 和 音量- 断开遥控器的蓝牙连接,tv复活了出现主界面稍等几秒按遥控器恢复连接就好了。。。合着我下班研究+...
IT之家了解到,除了改用 USB-C 外,2022 年版 Apple TV 4K 附带的 Siri Remote 遥控器与上一代产品相同,苹果也将其作为独立的配件出售给上一代 Apple TV 的用户。 在Reddit 和苹果的支持网站上,有大量的用户帖子抱怨 Apple TV 和 Siri Remote 遥控器之间存在的连接问题。这些问题似乎是新款 Siri Remote 遥控...
Relevant Links: https://www.reddit.com/r/appletv/comments/12opy5f/handson_with_the_new_multiview_split_screen/ https://www.pocket-lint.com/how-to-use-multiview-apple-tv/#:~:text=You'll%20see%20a%20grid,running%20at%20the%20same%20time. ...
The Apple TV+ streaming service features original TV shows and movies with high-profile producers, directors, and actors, with Apple adding new...
Netflix is currently in the process of rolling out an update to its Apple TV app, introducing support for the tvOS 15 player. As noted on Reddit and...
It uses a remote control, not a keyboard, so it only needs a single USB port, possibly for printer sharing or disk storage. This is designed to stick next to a TV, just as the AirPort Express hid behind a stereo. Why isn't it ready yet?
I have managed to find a solution on Reddit if I remember correctly. there is an option in the Apple TV settings that you can change to “fix” this issue.Settings > Video and Audio > Match Content >>> Match Dynamic Range > Off Match Frame Rate > OffHope this helps....