I have an Apple TV 4K first generation. Since the 18.2 update the aerial screensaver goes off after about 30 minutes, no matter how the settings are configured. There is no setting to turn the screensaver off after a set time, but I have the device set to sleep "never". Anyone else s...
Apple TV screensaver titles The titles are revealed if you touch the outer ring on the remote. Who knew Apple TV 4K, tvOS 17 Posted on Dec 8, 2023 9:43 PM Me too Reply Similar questions Apple TV Screen saver floating info box The screen saver on my Apple TV displays a moving ...
比如 Apple TV 里面那漂亮的城市航拍屏保,真的是看不够。 Apple TV Aerial Screensaver for Mac Aerial里面有中国、夏威夷、伦敦、纽约、旧金山几个城市的航拍视频,你可以选择显示哪几个城市,也能全部随机,视频会被缓存到硬盘上,可以修改缓存文件夹。 然而,怎么能没有 Windows 版本呢。 Aerial Apple TV screen sa...
Aerial is a Mac screensaver based on the new Apple TV screensaver that displays the Aerial movies Apple shot over New York, San Francisco, Hawaii, China, etc. Starting with version 1.6, this also includes the new undersea videos available in tvOS 13! Complete list of available wallpapers. Aer...
Apple TV 是苹果的电视机顶盒产品,里面有一个非常漂亮的屏保,叫做 Apple TV Aerial Screensaver,之前有人移植到了 macOS 上,而从昨天晚上正式发布的新版本 macOS Mojave 之后,这个版本就不能用了。不过这难不倒青小蛙。@Appinn Apple TV Aerial 屏保里面有中国、夏威夷、伦敦、纽约、旧金山等几个城市的航拍视频,你...
Aerial is a Mac screensaver (macOS 10.12 or later) based on the new Apple TV screensaver that displays the Aerial movies Apple shot over New York, San Francisco, Hawaii, China, etc. Starting with version 2.0.0, it also includes videos shared by Joshua Michaels & Hal Bergman! Aerial is co...
Aerial is a Mac screensaver (macOS 10.12 or later) based on the new Apple TV screensaver that displays the Aerial movies Apple shot over New York, San Francisco, Hawaii, China, etc. Starting with version 2.0.0, it also includes videos shared by Joshua Michaels & Hal Bergman! Aerial is co...
「Apple TV Aerial Screensaver」(OS X),在 Mac 上 使用 Apple TV 屏保,包括 New York, San Francisco, Hawaii, China 等这些城市地点的风光。http://t.cn/RUGWqwI
To download Apple TV screensaver for Mac: Download aerial.saver.zip from GitHub Unzip the downloaded file and click on aerial.saver You will automatically be taken to System Preferences. Choose Desktop & Screen Saver. Scroll to the bottom of the left pane and choose the Aerial option Click on...