Apple Music Preview Apple TV Preview Apple Devices Preview 苹果还表示在安装上述应用之后,都会阻止打开 Windows 版 iTunes。因此,用户无法访问有声读物和播客等其它类型内容,需要等到苹果发布兼容版本的 iTunes 或者用户卸载上述预览版应用程序。 所有三个新的苹果应用程序都需要Windows 11的 22621.0 版或更高版本。...
You can now preview early versions of the Apple Music, TV, and Devices apps in the Windows 11 Microsoft Store.
去年10月,微软发布Apple Music和Apple TV App将在2023年上架到Microsoft Store,以便安装在Windows设备上,为必须通过网络或Apple的iTunes访问Apple Music平台上的用户提供重大升级。Windows App和Apple TV+(通过网络)。 这两个App的预览版,以及用于管理Windows设备上的iPhone、iPad和iPod等设备的Apple Devices App现已...
All three of the new Apple apps require Windows 11 version 22621.0 or higher. Update: Users are currently unable to install the preview apps on their machines, but will likely be able to do so soon. Tags:Apple Music Guide,Apple TV Plus Guide,Microsoft,Windows ...
正如The Verifier所指出的,这两个应用程序的预览版以及用于从Windows机器管理iPhone、iPad和iPod等设备的苹果设备应用程序现在已经出现在微软应用商店。 Apple Music Preview Apple TV Preview Apple Devices Preview 在应用程序的描述中,苹果公司强调,作为这些应用程序的预览版,「并非所有的功能都能按预期运行」。该公司还...
Apple has released updates for its Apple Music, Apple TV, and Apple Devices apps for PC users running Windows 11, bringing what appear to be notable improvements and bug fixes to the preview apps. Last year, Microsoftsaidthat Apple Music and Apple TV apps would be coming to the Microsoft ...
根据微软Microsoft Store显示,目前Apple Music、Apple TV、Apple Devices三款软件已经上架了微软商店,暂时还是预览版形式,但相信正式版很快就会到来。目前,大家已经能通过Microsoft Store下载使用了,而且苹果提到,安装上述应用后,应用会阻止打开Windows版iTunes。这也意味着,苹果官方也终于想明白了,要彻底开始彻底告别...
Apple TV+ sign-in with windows 11 browser When I open Apple TV+ on my windows 11 PC using Chrome, I'm asked to enter my Apple ID and password. When I enter them I get a message saying my id or password is incorrect. Sometimes I get the Apple TV home screen and try to log in...
首先在: 这个网站搜索下列地址: apple-tv: Get Apple TV - Microsoft Store Apple Music: Get Apple Music Preview from the Microsoft Store Apple Devices: Get Apple Devices …
I just tried the new Apple TV app on Windows 11, but was disappointed to discover that it is no longer possible to access all the iTunes Extra contents. If that were the case, I have no choise but to stay with the old iTunes application, considering that the Apple TV app and the ...