Apple TV and tvOS app statistics — updated daily! Here, we monitor how many apps are on the tvOS App Store, how they’re distributed by category, and more.
和媒体之前预测的那样,会上,Apple TV 的服务内容作为重点在发布会上宣布全新升级并做了现场演示。 库克在发布会上表示,TV 的未来就是 Apps,目前 Apple TV 已经拥有 8000 个 Apps,包括《我的世界》等重磅游戏/应用已经登陆 Apple TV,正是这些大量的 Apps 改变人们看电视的体验。同时有 1600 家电视供应商为 Ap...
值得一提的是,全新的Apple TV也支持了 HDMI-CEC 技术,不但可以自动关闭电视以及唤醒电视并切换到指定接口,还能控制电视机的音量大小。另外通过遥控器上的红外口,Apple TV 可以学习其他外接音响功放的音量控制来实现对整个媒体系统的全局音量控制,其设置方式非常简单,一分钟内即可完成。tvOS 同时也支持了外接的蓝牙耳机...
10 Apps to Download on Your New Apple TV Right Now.appstoreappleappletvappsstreamingTechtvThis year's Apple TV is the first to come with its own App StoreEBSCO_AspTime Com
Twitch:这是一个流行的游戏直播平台,用户可以在Apple TV上观看游戏直播。请注意,这只是一小部分适合在...
tvok+ 是全新的电视直播App,专为tvOS量身打造; 支持epg,可自行添加电视源,可以同步tvok/x等App的电视节目 如同电视盒子一样,操作简单易用。 具有七天回看功能,需要节目源支持,请自行备好源。 提供七天电视节目功能(需要tvok/x 扫一扫功能打开) 添加源方式: ...
Apple TV Animated Ilusions Fool your eyes and have fun with interactive optical illusions.
Apple TV Apps: Alto's Adventure, Crossy Road, Plex and More Thursday October 29, 2015 2:32 pm PDT by Joe Rossignol With customers around the world beginning to receive their new Apple TVs over the coming days, developers have been busy readying the first apps and games for the set-top ...
Yesterday's confirmation that the new Apple TV shares the same iOS codebase as the Apple's iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad has resparked discussion about the possibility of Apple TV Apps in the near future. Several sites are suggesting that the Apple TV will be the target of Jailbreakers who...
The new Apple TV launched on Friday with an all-new App Store, but early adopters were quick to realize that app discovery was limited to a single...