Here’re our ranked picks for the 10 best movies on Apple TV+ right now: 10.The Pigeon Tunnel Year:2023 Director:Errol Morris Rating:PG-13 Genre:Documentary For a documentary about one of the most celebrated writers of spy fiction,The Pigeon Tunnelcan seem—at first glance—deceptively placi...
As one of the first shows released on Apple TV+,The Morning Showis a hit with the perfect balance of drama, rage, and self-indulgence while tackling some heavy issues close to home for those in the audience. Watch 'The Morning Show' 13 of 25 'Pachinko' (2022): An International, Cross...
Central Park is an animated musical comedy from the creator ofBob's Burgers, Loren Bouchard. The series was co-written with Nora Smith and actor Josh Gad, who will voice a character in the show along with Kristen Bell, Leslie Odom Jr., Titus Burgess, Daveed Diggs, Stanley Tucci and Kathr...
The Slugs & Bugs Show - Make Ready for Christmas Slugs & Bugs A Holly Jolly Kids Christmas A Holly Jolly Kids Christmas High School Musical: The Musical: The Holiday Special (Original Soundtrack) High School Musical: The Musical: The Holiday Special (Original Soundtrack)Sing...
University Student: $5.99/month (includes Apple TV+) Also, a special Apple Music Voice Plan, available for $4.99, lets you listen to any song via Siri. After successfully completing the setup of your account, Apple Music will customize your musical tastes by inquiring about your preferred genr...
Apple TV+ Despite being perfectly enjoyable, musical comedy series don't have the most successful track record (Galavant, where art thou?). But Apple TV+'s genre-busting seriesSchmigadoon!is bucking the trend in a good way.Keegan-Michael KeyandCecily Strongstar as a couple who come across...
The show depicts a family, the Tillermans, in their struggle to keep Central Park, their home, safe from a hotel heiress. This animated musical is produced by 20th Century Fox Television. TV-14 September 9, 2022 Apple's first foray into British television. "Trying" features Jason and ...
The trio embark on a road trip out West, with Finch attempting to show his robot what it means to be alive. Finch premiered on November 5. Come From Away A movie version of the hit Broadway musical "Come From Away" debuted on Apple TV+ on Friday, September 10, 2021. "...
Joel Kinnaman and Michael Dorman on 'For All Mankind'.Apple TV+ From the visionary mind ofRonald D. Moore(Battlestar Galactica) comes thisalternate-history dramaabout the space race between the United States and Russia. In the reality posited by the show, the Soviet Union staked its claim as...
"Central Park," the new Apple TV+ show from the creators of "Bob's Burgers" thrives thanks to a talented cast and first-rate musical numbers.