Siri Remote(第 1 代)或 Apple TV Remote(第 1 代)1 请参阅“Apple TV 4K(第 1 代)的技术规格”。 Apple TV HD 以前称为 Apple TV(第 4 代) 型号:A1625 推出年份:2015 年 颜色:黑色 容量:32 GB 或 64 GB HDMI 1.4(720p 或 1080p) 10/100BASE-T 以太网 Wi-Fi(802.11a/b/g/n/ac,支持...
a1625是第四代Apple TV。第四代Apple TV可以说是相当诱人的。除了全新打造的系统外,全新升级的64位A8芯片和2GB内存意味着它将拥有的强大性能,遥控器内置体感元件更是表明苹果扩张游戏平台,与安卓游戏盒子刚正面的意图。 全金属质感,捧起来略沉很结实。侧面一圈摸上去比正面光滑,手感倒是一样好。底...
新手提问:如何在ap..如题,听说这东西可以播放nas中的4K电影,淘两个回来试试.搜了一下发现要安装infuse Pro有点麻烦.又要美区帐号.又要付费购买.关键是价钱不便宜.(请原谅穷人.理解不了一个app比这台appl
综上所述,appletv a1625作为第四代Apple TV,以其出色的性能、设计和连接性,为用户提供了极佳的观影和娱乐体验。
Restore your Apple TV - Apple Support. This might be a good idea in this situation. I have a white screen and after a while the screen saver comes on. I don’t recognize why it would show a white screen, but if the screen saver comes up, then the device started up properly and ...
Why my Apple tv A1625 (32 GB) 4Th generation doesn't have Facetime? My apple tv doesn't have Facetime Posted on Apr 8, 2024 8:06 PM (1) Me too (5) Reply Similar questions Facetime is missing on apple tv Hi. I upgraded my apple tv to tvos 17 but can’t find FaceTime...
Apple Model No: A1625 (EMC 2907) Model ID: AppleTV5,3 Details: These identifiers are unique to this specific Apple TV. Also see: All Apple devices with the A1625 Model Number, the 2907 EMC Number, and the AppleTV5,3 Model Identifier. For more about these identifiers and how...
Air play is connecting I see the countdown then the dots rolling but nothing happens and I end up receiving a « can’t read video » message. I’m using an iphone 16 pro max, an apple watch ultra (1st gen) and an apple tv HD (A1625 model). I have almost the same issue ...