protocol TVInterfaceCreating : NSObjectProtocol Deprecated Please use SwiftUI or UIKit Mentioned in Creating TVML Elements Overview This protocol contains methods used to create views and view controllers from a TVViewElement. Topics Retrieving Resource Information func resourceImage(name: String) ->...
TVInterfaceCreating A protocol that defines methods used to create views and view controllers. tvOS 9.0+ protocolTVInterfaceCreating:NSObjectProtocol Overview This protocol contains methods used to create views and view controllers from aTVViewElement....
Aha! After fooling around with the complex advanced settings for my Samsung TV, I noticed that when I set it to 'movie' mode (which is really, really dim), the posterization in the thumbnail images of the Apple TV interface disappears. So, I went into the advanced settings for Movie mod...
the Apple TV can be controlled using a Remote app that's available in the App Store for the iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch. The Remote app has a layout that's similar to the Siri Remote, offering virtual controls for navigating the Apple TV interface, accessing Siri, and controlling volume...
Discover the innovative world of Apple and shop everything iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Mac, and Apple TV, plus explore accessories, entertainment, and expert device support.
遥控器为Apple TV最主要的操作设备,创造性地利用遥控器的触控板、加速计以及陀螺仪,为用户提供令人感叹的和直观的体验。用户在客厅使用遥控器时感觉像直接与电视交互一样。 2.2 手势 遥控器的触控板可以检测到多种直观的单指手势。利用手势可以与你的内容建立一种实感的联系。
回到tvOS,通过苹果一向完善的 HIG(Human Interface Guidelines),目前已经发布的 App 运行起来,体验都非常一致。尽管产品发布初期,软件并不算丰富,但简单的试用之后,每个应用都从不同角度让我对未来软件带来的可能性和便利充满了向往。 总结 经过一两个小时的初步体验,tvOS 给我的印象还算不错,作为终端用户,苹果对开发...
Apple's 2025 Worldwide Developers Conference will primarily be hosted online so that all developers worldwide can attend and interface with Apple employees, but there is an in-person component in the form of a special event at the Apple Park campus in Cupertino, California. Apple is hosting a...
In a navigation-detail interface, the navigation interface displays a collection of objects, and the detail interface shows an editor for the selected object. master/slave Don’t use to describe the relationship between two devices or processes. Instead, use an alternative that’s appropriate to ...
Apple developed a comprehensive review process that looks at every iPhone application that is submitted to Apple. Applications and marketing text are submitted through a web interface. Submitted applications undergo a rigorous review process that tests for vulnerabilities such as software bugs, instability...