Simply connect Apple TV, HomePod mini, and other accessories to experience a smart home that runs flawlessly across your devices.
当 Raw Fury Games 1月在iOS上发行极简主义策略游戏“王国:新大陆”时,也开发了Apple TV的版本,这是很合理的,iOS代码很容易移植到苹果的机顶盒上,控制方案能够平滑的从触摸屏转换到Siri Remote遥控器。但是在推出五个月后,“王国:新大陆”在 Apple TV 上的销售只有 600,而 iOS 版本则销售量为54000,一...
Join the Apple Developer Program to reach customers around the world on the App Store for iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple TV, Apple Vision Pro, and Apple Watch.
“Friday Night Baseball” games will be available to anyone with Internet access across devices where Apple TV+ can be found. That includes the Apple TV app on iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple TV 4K and HD, and on, along with smart TVs, gaming consoles and cable set-top boxes. ...
Press the back button on the cable or satellite remote to go back to the Apple TV+ screen. Listen to live local radio (if available) during Friday Night Baseball games During playback, press the center or play button on the cable or satellite remote to show playback controls. ...
Apple TV Game of the Year Sneak through El Hijo’s Old West as a quick-witted 6-year-old. El Hijo 查看 This spirited stealth adventure values brains over brawn—and looks stunning on the big screen. —App Store Editors Want to feel like the world’s craftiest kid? As the courageous yo...
When creating games and apps for the new Apple TV, developers are required to build in support for the touch-based remote, making all content accessible to all users without the need for additional accessories like an MFi controller. As noted by developer Dustin Westphal and shared by our si...
Awesome games and apps designed exclusively for iPhone, iPad, iPod touch and Apple TV.
海外流媒体格局新变量:Apple TV+ 一年前的 Apple TV +对流媒体巨头们来说还不足为惧,直到今年奥斯卡最佳影片名落CODA(《健听女孩》),紧接着《柏青哥》、《人生切割术》、《闪亮女孩》也纷纷夺得好口碑。 HBO也持续发力。光怪陆离的《亢奋》第2季依旧来得凶猛,颜色跳脱的妆容和名台词一夜间成为Meme在Tiktok被...
The bottom of the Siri Remote features a Lightning port that can be used to recharge it every few months. The prior version of the Siri remote included an accelerometer and gyroscope that allowed it to be used as a controller for Apple TV games, but the new remote does not have that fun...