配合Apple Watch 使用Apple TV上的“健身” App 来: 订阅Apple Fitness+,Apple Fitness+ 拥有由全球顶尖教练提供的世界级体能训练,每周都会发布新体能训练,可让您随时随地任意进行体能训练。 使用来自 Apple Watch 的个人测量指标跟踪您的 Fitness+ 体能训练,如心率和燃脂量。完成体能训练后,您每天的健身记录数据将同...
您的Apple Watch 会与任何 Apple TV 上的“健身” App 同步,因此您可以在家中、办公室或旅行时使用 Fitness+ 进行体能训练。
content. Offer a great game or education experience, or deliver personal training sessions from a fitness app. Deliver your content in high-quality formats such as 4K video, Dolby Vision, Dolby Atmos, and HDR10. Design your app’s interface to support easy navigation with the Apple TV remote...
The Fitness app should show if the active Apple ID account is set to a country where both the Apple TV box and the Fitness+ subscription are available. Else the app would be hidden. Availability of Apple Media Services - Apple Support If those conditions are met, then please check non-obv...
with Fitness)就能体现这一点. 对于新人我觉得 NS 健身环是更好的选择, 本身 NS 内置一个 TV 底座...
The #1 fitness app in 127 countries with over 4 million users. Become your own personal trainer to lose weight and get fit with fast, simple daily workouts. 10+ Workouts Choose one of our workouts including 7 Minute Workout, Glamour, Cardio, Arms, Pilates and Alternative, or make your...
Fitness+ 在原本「Fitness」(国内名称是健身)应用基础上进行扩展,把手表的运动记录投射到 iPhone、iPad、Apple TV 等(相对的)大屏幕上,用户可以专注于跟随屏幕上的运动教程,无需经常抬起手腕看心率、时长等数据。 现在打开健身 app,只能看到两个 Tab:概要和共享,加入计划之后,界面中会多出来一个 Fitness+ 的 Tab...
Fitness + and Apple TV app Im struggling to find the Fitness + app on the Apple TV app, is it there or do you need to buy an Apple TV for it? Also if you by the Apple TV will you need to subscribe to anything else (other than fitness +) before you can actually do workouts ...
12月14日, Apple Fitness+ 随着iOS 14.3和watchOS 7.2一起发布了。这一周我用了几次,感觉不错,应该会长期用下去。 这个服务就是在 iPhone 、 iPad 或 Apple TV 上用 app 来选择训练内容,然后联动 Apple Watch 进行锻炼。训练的种类有10种: HIIT(高强度间歇训练),不需要器材 ...
一块大屏幕是 Apple Fitness+ 服务的绝佳伴侣。我最常使用 Apple Fitness+ 的设备是我家客厅的 Apple TV(连接电视)。家庭环境的熟悉感、私密性可以允许我放飞自我、沉浸式锻炼,避免在健身房那种众目睽睽下锻炼的「羞耻心情」,我可以凹造型做瑜伽、锻炼核心痛苦呻吟…… 下班后在家就可以锻炼,也可以免去交通、天气、...