檔案存取 AFP ASUSTOR NAS支援跨平台檔案存取,不論是 Windows/ Mac/ Unix 都可以輕鬆存取。在 Mac 上,我們支援了 AFP 檔案協議,只要勾選此服務,就能輕鬆的搭起彼此溝通的橋樑,掛載網路磁碟以達到資料共享。 多用戶 Time Machine 備份及還原 ASUSTOR NAS 支援多台 Mac使用環境,讓每一台 Mac 的備份都能獨立存在,...
OS 15.1 - M1 chip trying to backup using Timemachine. Fails on all USB disks I have tried and on QNAP NAS. Is there anybody out there who has used this software successfully or do I just give up. Apple support fizzled out with no resolution and gave up responding to my follow up re...
ASUSTOR NAS支持跨平台档案存取,不论是Windows/ Mac/ Unix都可以轻松存取。在Mac上,我们支持了AFP档案协议,只要勾选此服务,就能轻松的搭起彼此沟通的桥梁,挂载网络驱动器以达到数据共享。 多用户Time Machine备份及还原 ASUSTOR NAS 支持多台Mac使用环境,让每一台Mac的备份都能独立存在,拥有单独的备份空间,确保个人...
完成后打开Time Machine,选择磁盘,备份,完成! 最后再测试进入Time Machine,可以选择以前备份时间点,可恢复文件,算是完成吧。 最后说说中间的一些插曲: 硬盘拿到后一开始没有直接拷贝到NAS中,而是用归档功能拷贝到8T,但是拷了一半断了,硬盘插电脑上也不识别了,多拔拔插插又好了,这样反复了几次,几乎都认为是硬盘...
tonyfromcalgary tonyfromcalgary 用户级别:级别 6 15,890 积分
In the Time Machine preferences, when I select the disk "TMBackup on Qnap(TimeMachine)" it asks me the name and password for the server Qnap-2.local. I don't understand why it asks for Qnap-2. My TS 119 NAS is named simply Qnap. I choose "registered user" and give the username ...
It just sits and spins at the Time Machine preparing to back up and that is all that it does the first time it backed up probably until 25% and now it’s just doing this preparing to back up. I also have tried to wipe out the shares on both NAS machines and deleted the the files...
按类别 个人存储设备 游戏存储设备 创意专业人士 网络附加存储 (NAS) 视频分析 云、边缘和数据中心 按品牌 Lacie 按用例 备份和恢复 大数据分析(人工智能/机器学习) 云备份 数据迁移 数据传输 高性能计算 (HPC) 存储即服务 视频分析 按环境 边缘 多云 私有云 公有云 按合作伙伴 IBM AWS Commvault Veeam VMW...
Is Apple Time Machine (ATM) a reasonable and reliable backup client, particularly to use with a Synology NAS destination, and how does it compare to Synology Cloud Backup (SCB)? ATM has been around a long time. It has improved over time. While the ease of use and zero software cost or...
ASUSTOR NAS支援跨平台檔案存取,不論是 Windows/ Mac/ Unix 都可以輕鬆存取。在 Mac 上,我們支援了 AFP 檔案協議,只要勾選此服務,就能輕鬆的搭起彼此溝通的橋樑,掛載網路磁碟以達到資料共享。 多用戶 Time Machine 備份及還原 ASUSTOR NAS 支援多台 Mac使用環境,讓每一台 Mac 的備份都能獨立存在,擁有單獨的備份...