如果你有 USB 驱动器或其他外置储存设备,则可以使用“时间机器”来自动备份 App、音乐、照片、电子邮件和文稿等文件。 将储存设备连接到你的 Mac 将储存设备设置为备份磁盘 进行备份 了解备份频率和持续时间 从备份恢复 Mac 将储存设备连接到你的 Mac
如果你有 USB 驱动器或其他外置储存设备,则可以使用“时间机器”来自动备份 App、音乐、照片、电子邮件和文稿等文件。 将储存设备连接到你的 Mac 将储存设备设置为备份磁盘 进行备份 了解备份频率和持续时间 从备份恢复 Mac 将储存设备连接到你的 Mac
Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland Machine Learning and AI Add to Favorites Machine Learning Engineer / Generative AI Engineer, ISE 分享Machine Learning Engineer / Generative AI Engineer, ISE 提交履歷Machine Learning Engineer / Generative AI Engineer, ISE 返回搜尋結果 ...
Free download AnyUnlock and connect your iCloud-locked device to the computer. Then you can either watch the video tutorial below or take the detailed steps to bypass iCloud Activation Lock in simple clicks and on your own. You can use this iCloud removal tool either on your Windows computer...
Download now Swift Playground for Mac Download theSwift PlaygroundMac app from theApp Storefor free. Download now Documentation Learn to write apps, repurpose sample code, create, and share learning experiences. Learn more Developer Forums Ask questions and discuss with Apple experts and other Apple...
了解从本地“时间机器”备份恢复 macOS 服务器的相关信息。 在macOS 服务器中,服务数据可以储存在非启动宗卷上。从“时间机器”备份进行恢复的步骤取决于你的数据是储存在启动宗卷上还是非启动宗卷上。 恢复时,请从本地“时间机器”备份恢复。如果你尝试从基于网络的“时间机器”备份恢复,则并非所有设置都会正确恢复...
如果“时间机器”提示备份磁盘没有足够的储存空间或储存空间几乎已满,请使用储存容量至少为 Mac 两倍的备份磁盘。例如,如果你 Mac 的储存容量为 1TB,则理想情况下,备份磁盘的储存容量至少应为 2TB。如有必要,你可以选择从备份中排除一些项目。 检查与备份磁盘的连接状况。 如果备份磁盘已连接到 Mac,请确保它直接连...
Apple's Time Machine is an essential file backup tool for macOS, but it too has a backup that works off your Mac's primary drive. Here's how Time Machine's local snapshots work, and how to get rid of them if you want them gone.
在Apple Music 上收听Fousheé的《time machine (Apple Music Edition)》。2021年。10 首歌曲。时长:37 分钟
It may not be worth the time to back up applications that came with your Mac, or that you purchased, as you can easily reinstall them from the original discs. Likewise, you can download and install previously downloaded software. However, consider backing up any applications that may no longe...