虽然专利申请有时不太靠谱,但随着苹果正努力向大屏 iPhone 过渡(并有取代小尺寸 iPad 之势),推出一根 iPhone 用 Apple Pencil 也在情理之中(虽然乔布斯曾明确表示手写笔 Stylus 没用,库克狡辩 Apple Pencil 不是 Stylus)。换个角度脑洞一下,如果苹果真的打算推出 Apple Pencil for iPhone,那么新款 iPhone...
Interestingly, the report also claims that the foldable iPhone will support a stylus. It’s not clear if that means the current Apple Pencil that is used by select iPads (and that iPhones are occasionally rumored to support) or if it will be a new design. When unfolded, the screen will...
Rapid 1.2 hours Compatibility: Wide range of capacitive screens Design: Sleek and ergonomic Features: |How To Connect Stylus Pen To Android Tablet|Apple Ipad Stylus|Apple Stylus Iphone| **Precision and Performance** The For Apple Pencil Universal Stylus Pen is a testament to precision and performa...
Why choose this stylus? * Compatible with all touch screens * One button to power on/ off * Ready to use, no need bluetooth connection * Smooth, no delay, and no lagging * Suitable for office workers, anti-lost for the pen clip ...
还记得 2007 年第一代 iPhone 首次亮相的时候,乔布斯当时在发表会上直接表态「Who wants a stylus?」(谁会需要手写笔),表示笔在智能型手机上根本毫无用武之地,但现在…乔布斯的这份坚持可能要被打破了,因为这几天有分析师指出最新一代的 iPhone 可能将首度支援 Apple Pencil 虽然目前尚不清楚 Apple Pencil 在新...
其实,Apple Pencil的出现挑战了部分老果粉的观念 ,因为乔布斯曾经在初代iPhone的发布会上“讽刺”过手写笔(Stylus Pen)。不过,Apple Pencil并非想要代替“触控”这一操作,而是想要成为一支用于创造的“笔”。发展至今,Apple Pencil已是苹果最为成功的配件之一,是iPad Pro的最佳搭档。在扩展所支持的设备之后,...
A couple of rumors last year indicated that the iPhone XS and XS Max would be the first Apple smartphones to support the Pencil, but that hasn't happened. Better luck this year? What do you think? Would you use the stylus with an iPhone? Even if (as it is likely given Apple's pas...
Buy Stylus Pen for iPad, iPad Pencil 2nd Gen,Magnetic Charging, with Tilt and Anti-Palm Touch, for iPad Pro 11/12.9, iPad 9/8/7/6th Gen, iPad Air 5/4/3rd, iPad Mini 6/5 Gen, for Apple Stylus Pens Black at Walmart....
Apple is selling a $100 stylus for the iPad Pro — something Steve Jobs never wanted on the iPhoneMatthew Stuart
根据美国商标和专利局(USPTO)近日公示的清单,苹果公司获得了一项关于 Apple Pencil 的专利,同时 Apple Pencil 能够支持 iPhone 的交互操作。据了解,此专利名为《光感应显示屏支持手写笔检测》(Photo-Sensing Enabled Display For Stylus Detection),透露未来的Apple Pencil将实现无电池损耗,消费者依然能够流畅地在...