Das ausgewählte Land oder die ausgewählte Region dient als Grundlage für die automatische Generierung von Preisen für die anderen 174 App Store Stores und 43 Währungen. Apple ändert niemals den Preis in Ihrem Basisland oder Ihrer Basisregion und benachrichtigt Sie immer im Voraus übe...
After recently updating to iOS 18.3 on my iPhone 14 Plus, I can no longer get Apple Pay to work at stores and gas pumps. I always used Apple Pay at these locations and now when I place my phone near the reader, nothing works. Double clicking go open up Apple Pay only gives me the...
lenses, you’ll be able to get Zeiss reading glass lens inserts for $99 or prescription Zeiss optical inserts for $149. It’s unclear how you’ll specify your prescription during the online ordering process or if Apple stores will have sufficient optical inserts for every possible prescription....
Also my devices were trying to connect to networks I thought I had removed. It didn't take me long to notice that my Macbook was trying to connect to some of these old networks again, and upon looking at the list - all deleted entries had reappeared. Another symptom seems to be that ...
A lot of stores are accepting, but my Bank (MSU fed credit union), says they will start accepting Apple Pay in Mid 2015! Geesh! And yet, they have the cash to build a new multi million dollar expansion on the main branch and pay us a pittance for interest o...
1) Australia and NZ are used historically as technology "test-beds" well before release into Europe and the US for new technologies - both hardware and also mobile carrier plans. This is because it has a mobile small population with relative affluence heavily reliant on mobile tech...
director and producer who has sold out national tours across both New Zealand & Australia. In this episode we talk about his fast rise through the NZ comedy scene, why he lived out of his car for months, becoming the youngest Kiwi comedian to sell-out Sky City Theatre – and why it may...
Apple opened up the iOS App Store for upgrades, then Australia, NZ, HK, Parts of EU then GB and the rest of the EU then by 2:30 AM US & Canada. All done over a 2.5 hour period. NOT all at once. That would have been a disaster. The traffic ...
I can buy many foods in bulk near me, but not vinegar. I love to make as many staples as I can. It makes me more self-sufficient and reduces my dependency on Big Food. But vinegar seemed hopeless. Then I stumbled upon the wonderful blog,Kitchen Counter Culture. Finally! I foundinstruc...
http://craig.stanton.net.nz/software/Geotagger.html http://oregonstate.edu/~earlyj/gpsphotolinker/extras.php Hmmm.B bloodycape macrumors 65816 Jun 18, 2005 1,373 0 California Oct 4, 2006 #93 If it is a simple GPS device like the Garmin iQue(...