Urban Outfitters 在奥斯汀 (Austin)、威廉斯堡 (Williamsburg) 和洛杉矶有三家 Space stores,提供现场演出和插花工作坊,旁边还有鳄梨形状的手机充电器。在上海的雷埃尔购物中心 (Re el Mall),你可以一边参观亚历山大麦昆 (Alexander McQueen) 和巴黎世家 (Balenciaga) 的门店,一边学习木工、绘画或银饰制作。 阿伦茨本人很...
While the new Apple Store is the first in Brooklyn, it is the ninth overall in New York City. Six of those are in Manhattan, one is on Staten Island, and one is in Queens. The new Williamsburg store features a brick facade with archway windows and an entrance. Ahead of the grand...
Apple already has a handful of retail stores in New York City, includingFifth Avenue,SoHo,Upper West Side,Grand Central, andWest 14th Street. Rumors of a Brooklyn/Williamsburg store have circulated for years, with various reports citing a number of possible locations....
还有一个插曲:从 Apple Williamsburg 到 Apple SoHo 的路上,我因为太着急而坐反了地铁(看看下面这两张纽约地铁图,坐错不能怪我吧?)好在一上车就发现了。 “打卡一日游”前的规划 “打卡一日游”后的总结 离开纽约,我到了波士顿。 40. R149 Apple Boylston Street(美国波士顿) 初次打卡 2018.7.26 / 后续打卡...
援引外媒报道,参与WWDC 2019直播的线下Apple Store包括位于布鲁克林的Apple Williamsburg、西雅图的Apple University Village、Raleigh的Apple Crabtree Valley Mall以及华盛顿特区的Apple Carnegie图书馆,将会在这些线下商店的视频墙上在线直播。援引外媒9to5Mac的编辑Michael Steeber报道,本次开幕演讲将会在布鲁克林市中心的Apple...
Brooklynites braved the summer heat on Saturday for the grand opening of their borough's first-ever Apple Store, in the neighborhood of Williamsburg. AppleInsider was there and provides a first look at the new retail space.
虽然今天的空间很安静,并且主要用于与Genius Bar距离较远的约会,但是今天在Apple会议上,如果可以安全再次聚会,它将恢复。在会场的后面,SoHo与布鲁克林区的Apple Fifth Avenue和Apple Williamsburg并入了新的董事会会议室,欢迎富有创意的客人和商业客户。 苹果:https://www.apple.com/retail/soho/...
在美国于以下零售店发售:Apple SoHo、Apple Fifth Avenue、Apple Upper East Side、Apple Williamsburg 和 Apple World Trade Center (纽约);Apple The Grove (洛杉矶) 和 Apple Third Street (圣莫尼卡);Apple North Michigan Avenue (芝加哥);Apple Lincoln Road (迈阿密);Apple Northpark (达拉斯);Apple U...
“ 产品技能:Mac第2部分 ”在此前的课程上进行了扩展,为用户提供有关组织Mac和提高效率的专业提示。一些Apple Store商店将举办针对其商店的特殊活动。布鲁克林的Apple Williamsburg将接待自助保健企业家和应用程序“ Shine ”的创建者 Mariah Lidey和Naomi Hirabayashi。这个名为“ 设计原型 ” 的实验将引导参与者逐步...
Apple Williamsburg (Brooklyn) Apple Fifth Avenue (New York City) Apple Carnegie Library (Washington, D.C.) Apple Aventura (Miami) Apple Michigan Avenue (Chicago) Apple Union Square (San Francisco) Apple Third Street Promenade (Santa Monica) Apple Covent Garden (London) Apple Regent Street (Londo...