Shop one on one with a Specialist. Online or in a store. Shop with a Specialist over video. - (Opens in a new window) Choose your next device in a guided, one-way video session. TODAY AT APPLE Join free sessions at your Apple Store.- (Opens in a new window) ...
Apple Store Growing from its 2001 launch with a pair of stores in Tysons Corner, Virginia, and Glendale, California, Apple now has more than 500 retail locations all around the world. In its stores, Apple sells standard Apple products along with a wide range of accessories, both first and ...
首次登录 App Store 和其他媒体服务时,你可能需要添加信用卡或其他付款信息。你无法同时使用多个 Apple 账户登录 App Store 和其他媒体服务,也无法更新使用另一个 Apple 账户购买的内容。根据你创建 Apple 账户的方式,系统可能会提示你在符合条件的设备上升级至双重认证,或在网页上完成账户设置。 有关非 Apple 制造...
重新启动 Windows PC 如果系统询问是不是允许配件进行连接,请允许连接 当你将 iPhone 或 iPad 插接至 Mac 时,如果看到 Mac 上显示“允许配件连接?”提醒,请点按“允许”。进一步了解有关允许配件进行连接的信息。如果系统提示你要不要信任电脑,请选择信任 如果你的 iPhone 或 iPad 在插接至电脑时显示“要信任...
Apple Store 官方旗舰店是由品牌官方企业运营或授权的官网旗舰店,所有商品保证正品无假货。Apple Store 官方旗舰店宝贝与描述相符评分为4.8分,比同行业平均水平高2.23%,卖家的服务态度评分为4.8分,与同行业平均水平持平,物流服务的质量评分为4.8分,与同行业平均水平持
在安卓设备上:前往或,然后登录你的 Apple 账户。 在Windows PC 上:前往 Microsoft Store,然后下载并安装 Apple TV App 或 Apple Music App,并登录你的 Apple 账户。 商店的适用情况和相关功能可能因国家或地区而异。
Step 1Launch iTunes on your PC or Mac and sign in the same Apple ID as you use on your iPhone/iPad. Step 2Click oniTunes Storeat the top of the screen. Step 3Click on the Music category at the right side of the screen, change it to theApp Store. ...
By MacRumors Staffon July 16, 2024 Apple Store Articles Apple Store App Gets Overhaul With Revamped For You Section Tuesday July 16, 2024 2:57 pm PDT byJuli Clover Apple today updated the Apple Store app to introduce a more personalized For You experience, which offers up more relevant prod...
Apple 和你的数据隐私 无论在何地处理并储存数据,Apple 一贯遵守 Apple 隐私政策,且只收集运营服务及改善你的使用体验所必需的数据。此同意书为遵守中国大陆隐私法规要求所需。我了解,使用我的账户时,部分个人信息可能储存在中国大陆之外并进行处理。以下是 Apple 隐私政策等更多信息。了解更多 同意并继续 不同意...
App Store The apps you love. From a place you can trust. For over a decade, the App Store has proved to be a safe and trusted place to discover and download apps. But the App Store is more than just a storefront — it’s an innovative destination focused on bringing you amazing exp...