Apple Enterprise SSO troubleshooting script. Contribute to AzureAD/Apple-SSO-Tools development by creating an account on GitHub.
Apple 商务管理和 Apple 校园教务管理现在支持管理式 Apple ID 与 Google Workspace 和 Microsoft Azure AD 的联合。 密码是死的,所以使用强密码 虽然上述所有 SSO 改进旨在缓解企业部署的摩擦,但 Apple 的重点还在于在更多元化的基础上减少授权需求。 它用无缝授权取代 CAPTCHA 技术的工作也使用首次设备登录作为信任...
針對Windows 裝置上的主要重新整理權杖進行疑難排解 管理過時的裝置 Azure Linux VM 和 Microsoft Entra ID Azure Windows VM 和 Microsoft Entra ID 虛擬桌面基礎結構 常見問題集 針對Apple 裝置上的 SSO 進行疑難排解 針對Mac 上的 macOS PSSO 進行疑難排解 企業狀態漫遊 參考 資源 下載PDF Learn...
借助适用于 Apple 设备的 Microsoft 企业 SSO 插件,macOS、iOS 和 iPadOS 上的 Microsoft Entra 帐户可在支持 Apple企业单一登录功能的所有应用程序上进行单一登录 (SSO)。 该插件可为你的企业可能依赖但尚未支持最新标识库或协议的较旧应用程序提供 SSO。 此插件是在 Microsoft 与 Apple 的密切合作下开发的,可以提...
AZURE AD - Azure AD: Email address removed - Email address:Email address removed Tomorrow I will have to set up federated authentication the questions I have are : 1- can there be a login conflict? 2- Will there be a duplicate Apple id Managed login name?
Instead of AD bind, have you looked at SSO login to Azure/Entra? Apple is introducing Platform SSO in Sonoma, allowing configuration via an MDM to shim into the login window experience. This will allow your Microsoft auth window to replace the login window and you will be able to support ...
iPads (10th Gen) not showing Azure AD Login Screen (Shared Device Mode) Hi there, We manage a range of mobile devices in Intune, both Android and Apple, and to date we've achieved many efficiencies whilst increasing security! We are currently purchasing 80 x iPads (10th Generation iOS...
John Wetter wrote: “Azure federation was a needed move, simpler SSO and crossing to web services is needed.” Armin Briegel wrote: “Apple is showing some progress in these areas, but so far they are a bit underwhelming. For all but the simplest integration, the third-party and open-sou...
Enable single logout - Logout user from the OAuth Provider (i.e. AWS Cognito, Azure AD B2C, Keycloak, Okta) when they logs out form Drupal Restrict anonymous access to the complete site or a particular section of the site Add Multiple OAuth Provides ...
可取值为:certificate、usernameAndPassword、sharedSecret、derivedCredential、azureAD。 enablePerApp 布尔值 将其设置为 true 会创建 Per-App VPN 有效负载,该有效负载稍后可与可在最终用户的 iOS 设备上触发此 VPN 连接的应用相关联。 safariDomains 字符串集合 启用此 VPN 时启用“按应用”设置的 Safari 域。