It appears that you're being prompted to update iTunes on your PC. For Windows 10, you'll use the Microsoft Store for updating and installing iTunes. Check this out: Update to the latest version of iTunes Cheers. Reply of 1 installing Apple updates on a widows 10 computer Welcome ...
Search for more topics Search Support Search Support Apple Support on YouTube Check out our official YouTube channel to get the most out of the latest features, devices, and services. Visit Apple Support on YouTube Get Support Give us a few details and we’ll offer the best solution. ...
New version of the Iphone unable to install Hi, I am new to this forum, thank you for your welcome. I have installed Itunes for Windows 64 bit Version When I chekc for updates Itunes says that the software is up to date. He ask me if i want to install the latest ve...
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在Windows 64 位系统上 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Apple Computer, Inc.\iTunes\Parental Controls\Default 如果用户特定的 [SID] 值不存在,iTunes 8.0.2 及更高版本将使用这些注册表项下的值。 iTunes 将家长控制偏好设置储存在五个注册表值中。当家长控制已锁定时,iTunes 会使用下列值: ...
Boot Camp Update 6.1.17, released to the public earlier this week, adds support for the Studio Display and updates drivers for AMD and Intel GPUs. To update to the latest Boot Camp drivers, users need to navigate to the Start menu in Windows and open the Apple Software Update app. ...
Be ready for what’s coming next. Apple customers adopt new software rapidly, so you can keep innovating. Integrate the latest Apple technologies in your apps to deliver incredible experiences on Apple platforms as soon as they’re released. ...
Availability of Apple's new 27" LED Cinema Display appears imminent, as the company has just released several software updates to support the...
Software: Windows 10 64-bit editions of Windows require the iTunes 64-bit installer 400MB of available disk space Some third-party visualizers may no longer be compatible with this version of iTunes. Please contact the developer for an updated visualizer that is compatible with iTunes 12.1 or...
iOS 12.5.7 is now available from Apple. iOS 12.5.7 provides important security updates, recommended for all users. Learn about all the benefits ofiOS 12.5.7on Apple's website. Click your device name below for additional Support information. ...