由于该公司计划在 iPhone 16 上为 Siri 提供硬件改进,我们可以假设 AI 对 Apple 的重要性。升级后的麦克风将提高Siri在嘈杂环境中检测用户命令的准确性。 目前,与Google Assistant相比,iPhone上的Siri在理解上下文方面存在问题。随着即将到来的生成式人工智能增强功能,Siri可以提供更强大的体验,与Google Assistant的比较...
另一个App(Any.do)是一个可与Siri和Google Assistant配合使用的任务列表,并且在这两个平台上都有很棒的小部件。我们还喜欢旅行计划和家庭用品等应用程序Notion。 对于家庭娱乐,我们发现Roku流媒体设备运行良好,其中许多都支持Google Cast和Apple的AirPlay。Sonos扬声器也是如此,它可以配置Amazon Alexa或Google Assistant,...
4.提升Siri功能 Siri可能不如Google Assistant或Alexa聪明,但是您仍然可以使用它来设置提醒并轻松完成其他任务。苹果还使与Siri的通话变得极为方便。每当您需要触发助手时,只需举起手腕并说“嘿Siri”,然后开始与助手通话。这减少了与虚拟助手交谈时的摩擦,并提高了其实用性。5.在Apple Watch上静默通知 您可以选择...
Apple vs Google While Apple's speakers are designed for easy integration with the Apple ecosystem,Google's speakersare designed with other Google products in mind. You'll find built-in Google Assistant rather than Siri and Chromecast built-in support rather than Apple AirPlay compatibility. These...
另外一方面的改进是 Siri 的识别率, 我认为 Siri 目前在英文上能做到多于 Google Assistant 的识别率. 然而 Siri 对于多语言的识别就很差劲, 它或许听得懂 Hongkong, Shanghai, Beijing 这样的国际大都市, 但是 Hangzhou 这种 1.5 线城市就很难被正确识别. ...
Alexia Tsotsis
There are also privacy concerns that Apple needs to contend with to bring generative AI capabilities to Siri. Apple has always been more cautious than its competitors, putting privacy ahead of functionality, a decision that has caused Siri to lag behind Alexa, Google Assistant, and...
The voice recognition in both is not accurate. If you’re trying to send accurate text messages or emails using Siri or Google’s Assistant, do not expect perfection. If you’re trying to dictate where to navigate to, be prepared to repeat yourself. ...
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iOS 5 delivered Siri, a voice-enabled personal assistant, iMessage as a central messaging system, and the iOS Notification Center. Subsequent releases of the software added Airdrop, Touch ID,Apple Pay, and Apple Maps mapping system as well as myriad improvements to its functionality and design....