自定App 是为满足组织的特定教育需求而开发的 App。这些 App 是由你或第三方开发者开发的。你可以通过 Apple 校园教务管理将自定 App 私密并安全地分发给组织的成员。开发者通过 App Store Connect 提交自定 App,并将这些 App 分配给您的 Apple 校园教务管理帐户。获得批准后,你的组织就可以使用这些 App 了,...
With Apple School Manager, you can assign apps and books to devices, device groups, users, and user groups. When you assign to users or user groups, they have to be in an Apple School Manager organization in Profile Manager. Use these guidelines to help determine which method you should us...
分配Microsoft Intune管理 Apple School Manager 设备的权限后,Intune与 Apple 服务同步,以在管理中心查看托管设备。 开始同步 在Microsoft Intune管理中心,返回到“注册计划令牌”。 在列表中选择一个令牌。 选择“设备>同步”。 为了遵守 Apple 有关可接受注册计划流量的条款,Intune 规定了以下限制: ...
注:如果意外关闭 "设置助手" ,请单击右上角的名称,然后从菜单中选择设置助手以重新打开助手。 有关Apple School Manager (ASM)Setup Assistant 的更多信息,请参阅https://help.apple.com/schoolmanager/#/tesd7dc27f2a。
了解更多 忘记管理式 Apple 账户或密码?
For more information, see Create Device Carts for Shared iPads in Apple School Manager Shared Device Management section. 5. Assign carts and applications to each class. See Manually Manage Carts and Applications in Classes in Apple School Manager Shared Device Management section. 6. Map enrollment...
Apple School Manager 的“Shared iPad”模式要求用户不通过用户关联进行注册。 不通过用户关联进行注册 - 为不属于单个用户的设备(例如共享设备)选择此选项。 对无需访问本地用户数据即可执行任务的设备使用此选项。 公司门户等应用将无法运行。如果选择了“使用用户关联注册”,请选择用户必须进行身份验证的方式:公司...
Apple School Manager in conjunction with your organization's mobile device management (MDM) solution to deploy and manage Apple devices. You will also learn how to create new user accounts and classes, assign and enroll your devices into mobile device management, and buy and distribute apps, ...
了解更多 忘记管理式 Apple 账户或密码?
As an admin, you can use the Apple Education page to enable Apple Education functionality, which then allows for integration with Apple School Manager. Note: This is functionality is only available to those with Workspace ONE UEM administrator roles and above. What can you do with the Apple Ed...