可以肯定的是,Apple Software Update是用来升级的软件,所以删除后应该不会影响程序的正常运行。就像XP关闭系统自动更新,系统依然能够正常使用。可是我不建议你卸载Update,因为Update更新能够及时弥补软件漏洞,及时享受官方推出的新功能。没有必要最好不要删除。
可以肯定的是,Apple Software Update是用来升级的软件,所以删除后应该不会影响程序的正常运行。 就像XP关闭系统自动更新,系统依然能够正常使用。 可是我不建议你卸载Update,因为Update更新能够及时弥补软件漏洞,及时享受官方推出的新功能。 没有必要最好不要删除。
右键点按 QuickTimePlayer.exe,选择“属性”,然后点按“版本”标签页。 如果QuickTime 版本为 或更高版本,则表示已应用安全性更新,你完成了任务。如果 QuickTime 版本低于,则前往第 2 步。 2. 如果你的电脑上没有安装 Apple Software Update,但安装了 QuickTime,请卸载 QuickTime: ...
QuickTime 7.2 安全性更新可以从“软件更新”应用程序获得,或者从Apple 下载网站获得。 如果Windows 中未在运行 Apple Software Update,你可以在“开始”菜单的“所有程序”中打开它。默认情况下,它安装在如下路径:C:\Program Files\Apple Software Update\SoftwareUpdate.exe。
So these are the steps for How to Install Apple QuickTime on Windows 10. You will find that all the options in this Media Player player are quite straightforward. Still, you encounter any trouble concerning this media player freely write a comment below. Sharing is caring Share Tweet Share Wh...
FREE DOWNLOAD Apple QuickTime for Windows 2012 The QuickTime family of digital media creation, delivery and playback software lets you deliver live or pre recorded video and audio to an audience of any size. When combined with QuickTime Player and QuickTime Pro, these applications wor...
Software: Windows 10 64-bit editions of Windows require the iTunes 64-bit installer 400MB of available disk space Some third-party visualizers may no longer be compatible with this version of iTunes. Please contact the developer for an updated visualizer that is compatible with iTunes 12.1 or...
你可以精确捕捉在设备上看到的内容,然后在 Mac 上将其存储为影片文件。 如何捕捉 iPhone、iPad 或 iPod touch 屏幕 若要在《QuickTime Player 使用手册》中探索,请点按页面顶部的“目录”,或者在搜索栏中输入字词或短语。 有帮助? 是否 提交
Sep 13, 2019 10:25 AM in response to PompeyBlue Thank you for the solution to this problem. I am running Windows 7 x64 and this issue occurs every time there is an attempt to update to the latest QuickTime Player. There is an issue however when installing the linked to vcredist which...
quicktime for avid media composer Trying to update Quicktime on my Avid Media Composer for Windows in order to both export and import files. Any assistance will be greatly appreciated. 1 year ago 678 1 Quicktime player Hi my quicktime player not playing few videos .i have tried a VLC pla...