从神农第一次品尝草药,从炼金者第一次从植物中蒸馏出精油,人类与植物的故事就这样缓缓拉开了序幕。 在随后的数千年里,薰衣草、薄荷、柠檬草、茶树、玫瑰……植物们散发着各自的芬芳,默默推动着人类的历史,凝结出一个又一个令人动容的美妙史诗。当人类享受着现代生活的便利和高效时,是否会突然回眸,去发现脚边的星星...
More people than ever are appreciating the importance of plants in our day to day lives. Whether it's a plant-based diet, clothes made from plants, the wellbeing qualities of plants, or simply a fun shelf of cacti and succulents! The Plant Based Podcast is about anything that can be ...
Links Wwoof Homestead 个人电脑是人类大脑的自行车 Host Shawn Guest 泡泡 依依 Contact 网站:https://thespiral.fm 邮箱:hi@thespiral.fm 微博:@海螺电台TheSpiral Twitter:@SpiralPodcast Telegram:t.me/thespiralpodcast 1 hr 07/02/2023 离开故土,前往异国他乡,除工作以外,读书也是比较常见的一种方式。本期...
Update: Apple has now announced that Apple Podcast Subscriptions for shows and channels is rolling out worldwide, showcasing a large number of new shows, groups of podcasts, and channels. When listeners purchase a subscription to a show, they automatically follow the show and the page is update...
Animal Talk helping people with their pets. Celebrity interviews, fun, skits, news, pet products, training tip, environmental issues, Animal Talk, it’s America’s Pet Show! Jamie Flanagan and animal behaviorist, Brian Donovan are here to help you with your pets. We get help from Vets on...
When you submit your show to Apple Podcasts, transcripts will be automatically created. If you would like to provide your own transcripts, you can change the transcript setting for your show in the Availability tab on your show page in Apple Podcasts Connect. Transcripts make your podcast more ...
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Apple today announced the launch of Apple Podcasts Spotlight, a new monthly editorial feature that's designed to celebrate rising podcast...
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