Manage your podcast subscriptions Get the word out. Promote your show with marketing resources like social posts, embedded players for the web, and QR codes. Explore marketing tools Know your audience. Analytics help you learn about your listeners — how they listen, where they listen from, and...
Analyticsis a data visualization tool where you can review actionable insights into your podcast’s performance. While the key metric for understanding a podcast’s reach has traditionally been downloads, listener analytics focus on providing aggregated listening completion rates from unique devices for ...
Apple Podcast Connect 的「分析」是一項免費且方便的功能,可幫助你追蹤節目在任何指定期間內的表現。瞭解「分析」中提供的各項分析指標及其運用方式,進而充分發揮節目的潛力。相關內容 訂閱項目 設定頻道的訂閱服務 若要在 Apple Podcast Connect 中設定頻道的訂閱服務,請準備宣傳資訊和插圖、新增定價和免費試聽 (...
若創作者擁有至少一個啟用中的訂閱服務,並具備「管理」、「財務」或「法務」角色,則在登入 Apple Podcast Connect 並按一下「分析」標籤頁後,即可瀏覽最上層的統計數據。按一下訂閱項目名稱,檢視更詳細的深度解析資料和訂閱趨勢。 Apple Podcast Connect 也提供其他報告。在「分析」標籤頁中,捲動至節目列表下方,即...
Country/Region:List of countries and regions where your subscription podcast is available. Conversion Status Success Conversion:A free trial that converted to a paid subscription at the end of the free entitlement period. Failed Conversion:A free trial that resulted in a cancellation of the subscript...
Explore articles and guides that will help you learn the basics, get support, understand your podcast analytics, and promote your show.
To make the most out of the listener metrics presented in Analytics, pay close attention to the metadata included on your podcast. To ensure all calculations are available to you: Include the episode’s total recorded time in the tag of the RSS feed. Analytics calculates consumption based on...
During the international break, Bas and Sertalp host Alon of FMLFPL podcast and learn about his game style, details about their podcast, and his views about analytics. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Analyze and refine Be sure to take advantage of ourplatform-specific subscription and engagement reportsto understand how your subscription is performing.Learn more about your podcast analyticsand get inspired.
Starting today, Apple Podcasts creators have access to a new Subscription Analytics dashboard that provides an overview of how their podcast subscriptions are performing. The free tool is available via the Apple Podcasts Connect website. On the Overview tab, creators can view how many listeners sta...