使用同一 Apple 账户登录 iCloudon all of your devices that you want to use with Shared Albums. 打开“共享相簿”: 在iPhone 或 iPad 上,前往“设置”>“[你的姓名]”>“iCloud”>“照片”,然后打开“共享相簿”。 在Mac 上,打开“照片”App。从屏幕顶部的菜单栏中,选取“照片”>“设置”。在 macOS...
Options are to put the image files into an iCloud drive folder to share them that way, or to use a third party online sharing service. View in context Similar questions Photos not showing photos system library photo system library not showing in photos app? but shows shared albums? Have ...
Is there a direct way for “Shared Albums” outside of the Apple’s system like a Dropbox or WeTransfer internet link Hi, is there a way of sharing photos made on the iPhone or on my Mac in a “Shared Album” outside of the Apple’ Mac OS / iOS, like a Dropbox or WeTransfer...
iCloud Shared Photo Library lets you share photos and videos with up to five other people. You can switch between your shared library and your personal library. See alsoShared Albums. iCloud Tabs button Use to refer to the button users can add to the Safari toolbar. ...
a few years ago. Google would curate the shared album based on facial recognition, placing photos and videos that contained me, my wife or our kids into one place we could both access. It worked great. And now, Apple's iCloud Photos has a similar feature with iCloud Shared Photo ...
Way 1:Move iPhone Photos by Shared Albums Before you begin to use Shared Albums, you have to make sure that you turn on Shared Albums in Settings. The steps forhow to make a Shared Album on iCloudand use it to transfer photos are shown below. ...
A Smart Album that groups all video assets in the photo library. iOS 8+ iPadOS 8+ macOS 10.11+ Mac Catalyst 13.1+ tvOS 10.0+ visionOS 1.0+ PHAssetCollectionSubtypeSmartAlbumVideos = 202 See Also Smart Album Types PHAssetCollectionSubtypeSmartAlbumAllHidden A Smart Album that groups all ...
Create a New Album An alert controller allows the user to add a new album: PHPhotoLibrary.shared().performChanges({PHAssetCollectionChangeRequest.creationRequestForAssetCollection(withTitle: title)}, completionHandler: { success, errorinif!success {print("Error creating album:\(String(describing: erro...
The latest macOS offers the world’s best way to play — and add to — your collection of music, movies, TV shows, podcasts, audiobooks, and more.
Returns list of shared album names found in photos database (e.g. albums shared via iCloud photo sharing)Note: Only valid for Photos 5 / MacOS 10.15; on Photos <= 4, prints warning and returns empty list.import_infoReturns a list of ImportInfo objects representing the import sessions for...