In March 2023,Apple Pay Later launched in prerelease modebut took until October to fully roll out. The service offered as much as $1,000 over four installments. But as the iPhone maker announced at the WWDC24 that third-party services from Affirm, Citigroup, and others would be integrated ...
IT之家 9 月 17 日消息,苹果于今年 6 月停用了其运营一年之久的先买后付服务 ——Apple Pay Later(该服务允许符合条件的客户将其 Apple Pay 订单在六周内分四次支付,无需利息或手续费)。苹果后来表示,从 iOS 18 和 iPadOS 18 开始,用户在使用 Apple Pay 结账时可向另一家金融公司 Affirm 申请“分...
In a statement to9to5Mac, the company confirmed that it is shutting down the Buy Now, Pay Later service immediately — the shutdown goes into effect today. So, if you go to buy something using Apple Pay, you’ll no longer see the option to use Apple Pay Later. Starting later this y...
Apple Pay Later 于 10 月正式推出,仅在美国使提供,但实际上早在 2023 年 3 月就已开始测试。Apple Pay Later 可在钱包应用中开启,用户可在六周内将使用 Apple Pay 购买的商品分成四笔等额付款,且无利息或费用。Apple Pay Later 适用于使用 Apple Pay 在 iOS 设备上进行的购物,仅限于价格在 75 美元...
IT之家 9 月 17 日消息,苹果于今年 6 月停用了其运营一年之久的先买后付服务 ——Apple Pay Later(该服务允许符合条件的客户将其 Apple Pay 订单在六周内分四次支付,无需利息或手续费)。 苹果后来表示,从 iOS 18 和 iPadOS 18 开始,用户在使用 Apple Pay 结账时可向另一家金融公司 Affirm 申请“分期...
苹果宣布终止Apple Pay Later先买后付服务,将改以全新第三方信用卡和金融卡提供分期付款服务。这项变动象征苹果在金融服务方向的策略调整,并将重心转向分期付款服务。专家分析,此举是为了提高Apple Pay付款的多功能性、安全性,并符合各国分期付款政策,同时也能强化Apple Pay作为一体化支付解决方案的市场地位。
IT之家 6 月 18 日消息,苹果公司宣布停用去年 10 月刚刚推出的分期付款功能“Apple Pay Later”。不过,现有“Apple Pay Later”贷款的用户仍可以通过“钱包”App 进行还款和管理。苹果在向 9to5Mac 提供的一份声明中表示,将停用这项功能,但会通过今年秋季即将推出 的 Apple Pay 更新,让用户可以享受信用卡...
Just a little over half a year since it was fully released to all U.S. customers, Apple is shutting down its installment loan Apple Pay Later service. In a statement to9to5Mac, the company said customers will now instead see installment loans “offered through credit and debit cards, as...
苹果公司周一(AAPL.US)表示,将关闭其“先付后买”(Pay Later)计划,不再为Apple Pay Later提供贷款,该计划允许用户分四期偿还高达1000美元的购物款,这一变动标志着该公司在内部提供更多金融服务的努力上有所退缩。 苹果在宣布将如Affirm Holding(AFRM.US)和花旗集团(C.US)等第三方服务整合到即将推出的iOS 18软件...
苹果将停服去年10月刚刚推出的Apple Pay Later,这是一项先买后付功能。Apple Pay Later将从今天起停止服务,但用户将能够继续偿还业务,并通过钱包应用进行管理。 苹果在向9to5Mac提供的一份声明中宣布,计划终止这一功能,该声明还指出,客户将能够通过信用卡和借记卡获得分期付款贷款,Apple Pay将于今...