//RNApplePayService//MARK: 获取AppleWallet状态: 0.不支持 1.已绑定完成(iPhone/当前连接iWatch) 2.可绑定@objcpublicfuncappleWalletState(_primaryAccountIdentifier:String,_resolve:RCTPromiseResolveBlock,_:RCTPromiseRejectBlock){/// 检查是否应该显示添加到Wallet按钮/// @param primaryAccountIdentifier 账户...
Hey, we are trying to implement In-App provisioning of our bank card. We have registered with Apple ApplePay and we have: Added the entitlement to our development provisioning profile Updated project entitlements to include the apple pay provisioning key with value "com.apple.developer.payment-...
I am coding for Apple Pay in-App provisioning extension, but there was a problem when Apple Wallet load authorization UI extension: The source code: The principal class .h file #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN @interface IssuerProvisioningViewController : UIViewController @end ...
Error Response from sysdiagnose PassBookUIService during In-App Provisioning attempt: { statusCode = 500; statusMessage = "Broker Service Response exception"; } I reported the error in Feedback Assistant: ID: FB15791497 (500 Broker Service Response exception during Apple Pay In-App Provisioning ...
Apple Pay 一. 应用内支付(In-App Purchase) 在App Store上销售的应用程序,将收到支付金额的70%。 二. 配置App ID 1. 为应用建立建立一个不带通配符的App ID 2. 用该App ID生成和安装相应的Provisioning Profile文件。 三. 配置iTunes Connect 1. 填写相关的税务,银行,联系人信息...
Apple Pay In App Provisioning - OTP limit reached Dear all, we have noticed that there is an OTP counter during the In App-Provisioning Workflow which leads to a temporary block for this particular card. Unfortunately we don't know how the counter work....
name: "In-App Provisioning Utils", platforms: [ .iOS("10.3"), ], products: [ .library( name: "InAppProvisioningUtils", type: .static, targets: ["InAppProvisioningUtils"] ) ], dependencies: [], targets: [ .target(name: "InAppProvisioningUtils", dependencies: [], path: "InAppP...
但是企业开发账号不支持这两个Capability,使用企业证书打包的时候,报错:Provisioning profile “企业证书” doesn't support the Apple Pay and Wallet capabilities.Code Signing Error: Provisioning profile "企业证书" doesn't include the com.apple.developer.in-app-payments and com.apple.developer.pass-type-...
Create an App ID with the Apply Pay capability and add the merchant to it: Follow the stepshere Generate a certificate for the Merchant ID: Follow the stepshere Generate a Provisioning Profile with the newly created App ID: Follow the stepshere ...
Drag the static AdyenApplePayProvisioning/XCFramework/Static/AdyenApplePayProvisioning.xcframework and AdyenApplePayExtensionProvisioning/XCFramework/Static/AdyenApplePayExtensionProvisioning.xcframework (wallet extension) to the Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content section in your general target settings. Mak...