Verification mobile number on Apple pay/Wallet incorrect! I’ve tried to add a credit card to Apple pay/Wallet but the mobile number that comes up for verification is a mobile I had over six years ago. I’ve been into settings>Wallet & Apple Pay and it is showing my current mobile num...
Enter Credit Card’s expiry date and security code Agree to Terms and Conditions Enter verification code and complete setup according to the instructions Apple Watch Open Apple Watch app on your iPhone Tap “Wallet and Apple Pay” then select “Add Credit or Debit Card” ...
双重认证是大多数 Apple 账户的默认安全方法。某些 Apple 服务和功能(例如 Apple Pay 和“通过 Apple 登录”)要求使用双重认证。我们建议你使用双重认证,并通过设备密码(或在 Mac 上使用登录密码)和面容 ID、触控 ID 或视控 ID(如果你的设备支持的话)来保护你的设备。
若审批通过,点击「Accept Apple Card」并上传身份证明(美国驾照或者州身份证 State ID)的正反面照片后,电子版 Apple Card 便会在 Wallet 应用中自动激活开卡,此时我们已经可以通过 Apple Pay 使用这张信用卡来进行消费。当然,我也毫不犹豫地选择了同时获得一张钛合金版的实体卡,通常一周内便会寄到,在此期间,Wal...
Open the Settings app, tap Wallet & Apple Pay, then tap your Apple Cash card. Tap Complete Verification, then follow the on-screen steps. Identity verification for Apple Cash Family When the family organizer sets up Apple Cash Family, they might need to verify their identity as part of the...
A card issuer can decide whether a credit or debit card requires additional verification. Depending on what’s offered by the card issuer, the user may be able to choose between different options for additional verification, such as a text message, email, customer service call or a method in...
Choose the method of verifying your card; text message, call or email and click Next The verification code is sent through the verification method chosen. Enter it and click Next Your card is added to the Apple Pay of your Mac and ready to use. Sometimes the bank may take some time to...
So I hand-keyed the information in, like a technophilic caveman, and waited for a verification code to arrive as a text message. Finally, I attempted to add my Simple debit card, but was promptly greeted by a message informing me that the bank didn’t support Apple Pay. Bummer. Apple ...
❷可以用摄像头识别卡片,也可以输入卡号(use the camera to identify your card or type in your card number)。 ❸输入有效期、安全码(expiry date and security code),接受服务条款(terms of service),完成卡片添加。完成手机验证码(...
With Apple Pay, a cashier does not see a credit card number, a name, an address, or any other personally identifying information, making it more secure than traditional payment methods. There is no need to take out a credit card or confirm the authenticity of a credit card with a driver...