Gala apples were ready starting Sept. 3 atDixie Orchards, and no reservations are required if you're only picking apples. Admission is $3, with apples going for $10 for five pounds or $20 for 10 pounds. Pick your own apples on a first come, first serve basis atAlbion Orchards, where ...
Algoma Orchards | We are Canadian apple growers and apple packers. With over 1600 acres across Durham Region, Ontario, we grow, pack, store, and ship quality apples year-round. Located in Newcastle, Ontario we are home to a Gourmet Food Market, which als
Burgess NM, Hunt KA, Bishop C, Weseloh DV (1999) Cholinester- ase inhibition in tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) and Eastern bluebirds (Sialia sialis) exposed to organophosphorus insecti- cides in apple orchards in Ontario, Canada. Environ Toxicol Chem 18:708-716...
1986. Characterization and detection of benomyl resistant Venturia inaequalis in Ontario apple orchards. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology 8:117-122.Northover, J., Characterization and detection of benomyl resistant Venturia inaequalis in Ontario apple orchards. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology , ...
1998b. Health of tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) nesting in pesticide-sprayed apple orchards in Ontario, Canada. II. Sex and thy- roid hormone concentrations and testes development. J. Toxicol. Environ. Health A 55:561-581.Bishop, C. A., G. J. Van Der Kraak, P. Ng, J. E. ...
In Quebec commercial apple orchards, the program was first initiated in 1990 and since that time it has been extremely successful, allowing growers to reduce or eliminate the use of miticides in their orchards, resulting in cost savings and reducing negative effects on the environment.Kathryn ...
Bishop CA, Vanderkraak GJ, Ng P, Smits JEG, Hontela A. 1998. Health of tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) nesting in pesti- cide-sprayed apple orchards in Ontario, Canada. II. Sex and thy- roid hormone concentrations and testes development. J Toxicol Environ Health 55:561-581....
For example, in Shaanxi, China, the most productive province, 24.03% of apple orchards were in mountainous and hilly areas, with a yield that was 14.14% of the total, increasing requirements for machinery. Therefore, the effects of aging on apple production may be heterogeneous due to the ...
Rapid apple decline is a phenomenon characterized by a weakening of young apple trees in high density orchards, often followed by their quick collapse. The nature of this phenomenon remains unclear. In this work, we investigated the root system architecture (RSA) of declining and non-declining ap...
Figure 1.Spacing of the Ambrosia trees at the Simcoe Research Station in Ontario, Canada. Figure 2shows a bird’s-eye view of the apple orchard. The camera was mounted on a mobile vehicle and was run between the two rows of the Ambrosia trees, placed so the trees are properly in frame...