This study was conducted at the Agway Orchard, Fabius, New York, on dwarf trellised rootstock apple trees of the varieties Mcintosh, Red Delicious, Macoun and Cortland using a full season protective spray program. Single-row blocks (each 0.1 A) of 22 trees were sprayed by handgun to run-...
If you have no particular culinary goal, try planting one of each different variety that ripen over the entire harvest season. Then, you can enjoy regular apple tastings and still have enough fruit on hand for a “mess” of cooked apples. Seek out the advice of local orchardists about th...
Use of Resistant Varieties: Some apple varieties have been bred specifically for resistance toVenturia inaequalis. Strong resistance to pathogens has been shown by cultivars such as ‘Liberty,’‘Enterprise,’ and ‘GoldRush’. An orchard’s overall disease pressure and chemical intervention requirements...
During the seasonal cover spray program at the U. W. Horticulture orchard, Arlington, Wl, dilute sprays were applied to apple trees in plots of 10 trees each. Sprays were delivered at 200 psi from a 100 gal Bean sprayer using a no. 2 gunjet (2 gpm). Insecticides were applied at ...
trap them with Tangle-Trap-coated balls hung from branches in summer. In you have other insect issues, determine what is going on and select an integrated pest management treatment. A regular spray program can you maintain high fruit quality. Use a premixed orchard spray from your garden store...
Abundance and natural control of the woolly aphid Eriosoma lanigerum in an Australian apple orchard IPM program. BioControl, 2005, 50(2) : 271鄄 291.Nicholas A H,Spooner-hart R N,Vickers R A. Abundance and natural control of the woolly aphid Eriosoma lanigerum in an Australian apple ...
trap them with Tangle-Trap-coated balls hung from branches in summer. In you have other insect issues, determine what is going on and select an integrated pest management treatment. A regular spray program can you maintain high fruit quality. Use a premixed orchard spray from your garden store...
(1995) Nontarget effects of a fungicide spray program on phytophagous and predacious mite populations in a scab-resistant apple orchard. Environ. Entomol. 24, 423–430. Google Scholar Braun P.G. (1997) Distribution and severity of anthracnose canker and European canker of apple in Kings ...
For developmental metabolites analysis and postharvest treatment, “Hongyu” and “Molisi” apples were collected from an orchard in Beijing, China. The “Hongyu” apples were collected at 40, 80, 100, and 120 DAFB. For LPE 18:1 treatment, “Molisi” apples at the commercial ripening stage...
Thinning is an important routine for apple growers to manage crop load and improve fruit quality, which can be accomplished through manual, chemical, or mechanical manipulation of flowers and fruitlets. Traditionally, blossom thinning relies on human exp