一个账户尽享 Apple 所有服务 只需一个 Apple 账户和密码即可访问所有 Apple 服务。 登录以管理你的账户。 查看或更新姓名、密码和安全设置等重要信息,以及联系方式、付款信息和管理连接账户的设备。 账户具备隐私性和安全性。通过双重认证等账户安全功能,Apple 可以确保账户安全、保护隐私,并让你随时掌握个人信息...
Discover the innovative world of Apple and shop everything iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Mac, and Apple TV, plus explore accessories, entertainment, and expert device support.
Apple Entrepreneur Camp supports underrepresented founders and developers, and encourages the pipeline and longevity of these entrepreneurs in technology. Attendees benefit from one-on-one code-level guidance, receive unprecedented access to Apple engineers and experts, and become part of the extended glob...
Apple 和你的数据隐私 无论在何地处理并储存数据,Apple 一贯遵守 Apple 隐私政策,且只收集运营服务及改善你的使用体验所必需的数据。此同意书为遵守中国大陆隐私法规要求所需。我了解,使用我的账户时,部分个人信息可能储存在中国大陆之外并进行处理。以下是 Apple 隐私政策等更多信息。了解更多 同意并继续 不同意...
Note: Both of your phone numbers can make and receive voice calls and send and receive messages. However, your iPhone can only use one cellular data network at a time. Turning on Cellular Data Switching will automatically switch lines for cellular data when you're on a call. ...
both of your phone numbers can make and receive voice calls and send and receive messages. however, your iphone can only use one cellular data network at a time. turning on cellular data switching will automatically switch lines for cellular data when you're on a call. manage cellular ...
One word. MHz (n., adj.) Abbreviation formegahertz. In both the noun and adjective form, use a space between the numeral and the abbreviation (don’t hyphenate the adjective form). at a rate of 800 MHz an 800 MHz processor See alsoabbreviations and acronyms. ...
When the Apple ID sign-in request you to enter the verification code, click Didn’t get a verification code? If you have already registered a backup phone number as a trusted one, click Use Phone Number and then click the backup number to receive the verification code.Request...
Telephone numbers begin with the plus sign and are followed by the country code, the city code, and the number. Freephone (toll-free) numbers are expressed in the local style. Always give a toll number if one is available. International authority: International Telecommunication Union (ITU), ...
Confirm your phone number Step 4. Apple will send a notification to all the Apple devices where you are signed-in with your Apple ID. Tap on Allow in the prompt on one of your devices and you will be able to unlock your ID.