Crossword puzzles look great on a bigger screen |Image: Christian Zibreg/iDB How to play crossword puzzles on Apple News Importantly, only Apple News+ and Apple One subscribers have access to these crossword puzzles. To start playing on an iPhone or iPad, click theFollowingtab and choosePuzzl...
你还可以向下滚动 Puzzles 页面,在 Crossword Minis 下方找到 Quartiles。 Apple News Plus订阅者的益智游戏排行榜 iOS 17.5的新功能还让 Apple News Plus 订阅者可以轻松比较每日益智游戏的分数。启用此功能,前往设置 > News 并在 News+ Puzzles 下点击 Game Center 旁边的切换按钮。 需要注意的是,任何人都可以...
Apple News+ crossword puzzles New Control Center slider animations Interrupt Siri and make back-to-back requests without reactivation Enhanced spam call filtering Dark Mode version of AirPods popup card Developers are still discovering what's changed in iOS 17, so be sure to check back wit...
Since then, News+ has limped along. In 2021, itinitiated the News Partner Program, which tried to convince more publications to join by reducing Apple's cut of their profits to 15 percent. Then, in iOS 17 last year, Apple added crossword puzzles, but only to paid subscribers. Desperation...
The more you read, the more personalized your Apple News gets. PUZZLES A News+ subscription includes access to exclusive puzzles: a full-size crossword, crossword mini, Quartiles, and Sudoku. New puzzles are added daily, and you can dip into the archive to play more anytime. Track your ...
Solve crossword and crossword mini puzzles Solve sudoku puzzles Solve Quartiles puzzles Get Apple News+ on all your Apple devices Customize News Change settings View or clear your reading history Make stories easier to see Use windows and tabs ...
You know it's really bad when Apple is resorting to boasting about massive updates with the highlights being more Emoji's, News app updates and crossword games and all the meaningless stuff you don't need in an operating system...more and more useless bloat with 14 Gb MacOS installer file...
Scoreboard in News+ Puzzles gives you access to new player data for Crossword, Mini Crossword, and Quartiles, including stats and streaksEnterprise:MDM can now enforce a specific beta version at Setup Assistant when using Automated Device Enrollment. The Lock Screen now has a Switch...
Apple News+ “has added more than 100 top newspapers and magazines to include a total of over 450 publications, a catalog of narrated audio articles from News+ publishers, local news collections in over 20 cities and regions, and a daily crossword and mini crossword puzzle.” Prices for ...
Zach Gage and Jack Schlesinger created Knotwords not to revolutionize the humble crossword but to learn it. March 29, 2024 Immersive experiences Added guidance for displaying virtual hands. Activity rings Enhanced guidance for displaying Activity rings and listed specific colors for displaying related ...