Resources to record, release, and promote your music on Apple Music, and analytics to highlight how listeners discover and stream your music around the world.
Listen to millions of songs, watch music videos and experience live performances all on Apple Music. Play on web, in app or on Android with your subscription.
Apple Music New subscribers with eligible devices get 3 months of Apple Music free, then pay $10.99 per month. Try it free* Free 1-month trial Apple One Bundle Apple Music with up to 5 other great services for 1 low monthly price.Learn more ...
畅听数百万首歌曲,观看音乐视频,体验现场表演,一切尽在 Apple Music。订阅后即可在网页、App 或 Android 设备上播放。
畅听数百万首歌曲,观看音乐视频,体验现场表演,一切尽在 Apple Music。订阅后即可在网页、App 或 Android 设备上播放。
若要探索适用于 的《Apple Music 使用手册》,请点按页面顶部的“目录”,或者在搜索栏中输入字词或短语。 如需更多帮助,请访问音乐支持网站。 Apple Music 使用手册 欢迎使用 订阅 欣赏音乐 搜索音乐 播放资料库中的歌曲 流播放推荐的歌曲 ...
Apple Music支持在苹果设备上运行。也支持在安装有 iTunes的Microsoft Windows PC 和安装有Apple Music客户端的安卓设备上运行,并且可以在终端的web页面播放Apple Music歌曲。一、WEB页面登录Apple Music Apple M…
Listen to millions of songs, watch music videos and experience live performances all on Apple Music. Play on web, in app or on Android with your subscription.
Apple Music流媒体服务Web版本正式发布,但仍需依赖应用程序 Apple Music流媒体服务的基于Web的多平台界面已推出测试版,并于今天正式启动。它位于上,可通过任何Web浏览器访问。在许多方面,该网站的设计和布局与Mac应用程序非常相似。并且视觉语言是相同的。它的顶部具有相同的播放器控件,左侧导航栏...
When accessed on aweb browser, Apple Music is apart of iTunes. This may immediately put you off since iTunes is an aging jukebox software, but the service isneatly integrated. Like its mobile counterparts, the web app version comes withfive tabs, Library, For You, Browse, Radio, and Sto...