Apple has dropped the price for Apple Music in India. The service now starts at INR 99 (~$1.5) for an individual for a month (down from INR 119) or INR 999 for a year (down from INR 1199). If you are a student with select universities then you can get it for INR 49 per month...
Apple has silently increased the price of its Apple Music subscription for college students in several countries, with the company emailing students...
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In the U.S., Apple has offered Apple Music for free via some Verizon mobile data plans since 2019, and its Apple TV+ will feature in a Comcast streaming bundle from May. In India, Apple Music will become available to premium users of Airtel's Wynk music app, wh...
出品,则封面图或元数据中不得出现 Apple 商标(包括 Apple 徽标、“Apple Inc.”,或“iPhone”、“Apple Music”、“iTunes”等 Apple 产品名称),以免引起误解。 1.2. 广告:元数据、音频和封面图中不得包含广告。例如,元数据中不得包含 Apple Music 或 iTunes 同类产品的相关内容、任何网址(URL)、徽标或新...
Apple Music 印尼音乐 2 周前更新 被称为“万岛之国”的印度尼西亚,其文化场景犹如璀璨夺目的海上明珠,散落在大大小小形色各异的岛屿上,丰富多样的城市特色构成了印尼的传统音乐体系,同样影响着当代流行音乐。而当全球化成为 21 世纪的代名词,当印度尼西亚的音乐社群受到来自世界各地的文化影响时,本土声音又会发生何...
Get 3 months of Apple Music free. Included with the purchase of select Apple devices.Footnote⁺ Free Engraving AirPods 4 with Active Noise Cancellation $179.00 Free Engraving AirPods Pro 2 $249.00 Free Engraving AirPods Max - Midnight $549.00 ...
Shop the latest Apple products, accessories and offers. Compare models, get expert shopping help, plus flexible payment and delivery options.
Set a price for anIn-App Purchase Tax updates As of August 29: Your proceeds from the sale of eligible apps and In‑App Purchases have been modified in: Laos: VAT introduction of 10% Senegal: VAT introduction of 18% India: Equalization levy of 2% no longer applicable ...
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