·一款解压缩工具,这里我用的是Bandizip ·查看你的Windows版本号 2. 首先,开启Windows的开发者模式,前往设置→更新和安全→开发者选项→开启开发人员模式(从任意源包括松散文件安装应用) 3. 前往https://store.rg-adguard.net/ 将获取方式改为Fast 在填入Apple Music Preview的商店网址 选择第二个文件下载 4.用...
Windows APP SDK:下载地址https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/apps/windows-app-sdk/downloads,选择Download 1.2 Installer (x64)下载安装即可。 一、打开开发模式 进入Windows设置 -> 更新和安全->开发者选项,打开开发人员模式开关。 二、下载Apple Music安装包 进入https://store.rg-adguard.net/,在URL...
进入Windows设置 ->更新和安全->开发者选项,打开开发人员模式开关。 二、下载Apple Music安装包 进入https://store.rg-adguard.net/,在URL(Link)中输入“https://apps.microsoft.com/store/detail/apple-music-preview/9PFHDD62MXS1?hl=en-us&gl=us”,更改右侧下拉列表为Fast,点击打勾解析下载地址。随后会出现...
一、打开开发模式 进入Windows设置 -> 更新和安全->开发者选项,打开开发人员模式开关。 二、下载Apple Music安装包 进入https://store.rg-adguard.net/,在URL(Link)中输入"https://apps.microsoft.com/store/detail/apple-music-preview/9PFHDD62MXS1?hl=en-us&gl=us",更改右侧下拉列表为Fast,点击打勾解析下...
https://apps.microsoft.com/store/detail/apple-music-preview/9PFHDD62MXS1?hl=en-us&gl=us 复制该地址,后打开 https://store.rg-adguard.net/ ,在搜索栏贴上,右侧勾选slow后回车 找到标题中有所需软件名称,且后缀为msixbundle的选项,点击下载
去年10月,微软发布Apple Music和Apple TV App将在2023年上架到Microsoft Store,以便安装在Windows设备上,为必须通过网络或Apple的iTunes访问Apple Music平台上的用户提供重大升级。Windows App和Apple TV+(通过网络)。 这两个App的预览版,以及用于管理Windows设备上的iPhone、iPad和iPod等设备的Apple Devices App现已...
Reauthorizing the same machine (my windows PC) makes Apple Music Preview app on windows 10 play lossless music. I am crossing my fingers on this one but: In the bottom left window of the Apple Music Preview Windows 10 app: click on my account name click "Authorize Machine" go through th...
It will automatically change its settings within the app back to low quality music and video. then I have had to remove it all together and it’s files from pc and reload multiple times. for lossless audio I set to on streaming to hi-read lossless sound check off video playback 4K ...
Preview versions of the two apps, as well as an Apple Devices app for managing devices such as iPhones, iPads, and iPods from Windows machines have now appeared in the Microsoft Store, asnoted byThe Verifier[Google Translate]. Apple Music Preview ...
Apple Music Preview 登陆 Windows 平台,最高支持 ALAC 24bit/192KHz 无损音质[开学季] Apple TV App(电视端)和Apple Device app(手机刷机)同时到来。 iTunes 主宰苹果数字音乐和视频生态的时代,或许就要...