方法1. 通过 Web Player 在 Linux 上收听 Apple Music 方法2. 通过 Edge/Chrome 制作 Apple Music Linux 应用程序 方法3. 通过 Cider 在 Linux 上下载 Apple Music App 方法4. 通过 Wine 安装适用于 Linux 的 Apple Music App 方法5. 在 Linux 上以无损音频文件形式播放 Apple Music 🔥 方法1. 通过 We...
是的,从今天开始,您只需访问https://music.apple.com/即可,而不是https://beta.music.apple.com/。关于“ beta”一词的所有提及均已消失,表明它不再处于测试阶段。这不仅在Linux上,在Windows和Mac上也是如此。由于这些操作系统的许多用户都鄙视iTunes,这对他们来说也是个大新闻-没有iTunes肿的iTunes的Apple ...
linuxmi@linuxmi:~/www.linuxmi.com$ sudo flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathubhttps://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo 然后,您可以 通过运行以下命令直接从终端应用程序在 Linux 系统上安装最新版本的 Apple Music Client Cider: linuxmi@linuxmi:~/www.linuxmi.com$ flatpak install flathub sh...
花3.5 美元买更优的 Apple Music 客户端,真值! Cider 是一款为 Windows、macOS 和 Linux 系统上的 Apple Music 提供更优界面的包装器。 Cider 在非苹果平台上增添了诸如 Airplay 2 功能以及类似均衡器这样的音频增强功能。 Cider 所具备的沉浸式视觉功能、强大的自定义选项以及整体出色的用户体验,足以证明其 ...
Apple Music gives you more than just a massive music library—it’s designed to be your go-to platform for discovery, personalized playlists, and high-quality streaming across all your devices. Whether you’re streaming from its 100+ million song catalog or downloading music for offline ...
Solution 1. Run iTunes with Apple Music on Linux via Wine Even if iTunes isn't available in Linux as a native application, you can still try to get it to work under WINE. Recent versions of Wine can run iTunes and Apple Music for Linux with no wizardry required. Below are the steps...
Using Apple Music on Linux. Apple Music can be accessed on Linux from the web in beta. We have no updates of an upcoming application or software in the future, but for now, traditional Linux users can enjoy the services just by visiting a website. This is something that most of the ot...
Cider是一个开源的、面向社区的 Apple Music 客户端,基于 Electron 和 Vue.js,适用于 Windows、Linux、macOS,还拥有 iOS 与 Android 远程控制应用,集成 Discord、Last.fm 等功能。@Appinn 注意,使用 Cider 需要付费的 Apple Music 订阅。 Cider An open-source, community-oriented Apple Music client ...
But as you may know, the experience is nowhere close to perfect. To fix this, some developers came up with Cider, an open-source Apple Music client for Linux. So let's jump in to explore Cider on Linux. What Is Cider? Cider is a cross-platform Apple Music client built with the idea...
b可以下载到本地,但是解析不了,苹果的DRM版权保护方案是最好的,国内几家软件都能破解下载的音乐格式,但是苹果的特别麻烦,前几天看到TG上的大佬跑虚拟机,用wrapper搞linux,感觉很麻烦,不在乎音质,其实下载其他家的音乐破解也行 来自iPhone客户端4楼2024-08-23 06:00 收起回复 扫...