Apple Music正在测试一项新功能,允许用户从Spotify等竞争对手的流媒体服务中将歌曲和播放列表导入到他们的曲库。 最新的Apple Music测试版中对该功能的引用最先是由一名Reddit用户发现的,MacRumors现在已经独立证实,这些引用确实在APK或Android软件包中。 这一功能似乎是与SongShift的合作成果,SongShift是一项长期运...
IT之家 2 月 20 日消息,根据 Reddit 社区网友反馈,苹果公司已邀请安卓版 Apple Music 应用用户,A / B 测试音乐迁移功能,目前尚不清楚是否会扩展到 iOS 平台版本。苹果在安卓测试版 Apple Music 应用中原生集成了 SongShift。IT之家注:这是一项已上线运行多年的第三方服务,让用户在不同的音乐流媒体服务之间...
解决方法: 关闭Apple Music。 进入"%programData%\Apple Computer\iTunes"目录。 删除"SC Info"和"adi"文件夹。 重启电脑。 打开Apple Music。 "取消对机器的授权"并"退出登录"。 重新登录。 如果没有问题,现在能正常播放歌曲了。
IT之家 2 月 20 日消息,根据 Reddit 社区网友反馈,苹果公司已邀请安卓版 Apple Music 应用用户,A / B 测试音乐迁移功能,目前尚不清楚是否会扩展到 iOS 平台版本。 苹果在安卓测试版 Apple Music 应用中原生集成了 SongShift。IT之家注:这是一项已上线运行多年的第三方服务,让用户在不同的音乐流媒体服务之间轻...
Not as nice as a free 3 months but a good deal nonetheless! It popped up on the “home” tab in the Apple Music app. Not always eligible for this type of deal due to the number of times I’ve gotten a re-subscription deal, so noteworthy that they appear to be including ...
I received six (I think) months free of Apple Music when I got my Air Pods Pro2. However, I never knew I got the free service - unsure if I missed an email or an alert, but I had no idea until I got a message of "your trial expires next week, we'll charge you $x...
And this holiday discount makes the case for Apple Music even sweeter. For a limited time, new Apple Music subscribers can scorethree free months of streamingwhen they sign up for a subscription for an individual plan. This is two months longer than its normal free trial period of one month...
Part 1. How to Add Songs to Apple Music Library on Mac Whether you're an Apple Music subscriber or someone looking to merge their music library with Apple Music, it's easy to add files to Apple Music, including downloaded songs from other sources on Mac. Apple Music app allows users to...
Apple Sports 应用被指“半成品”:不支持 Live Activities 等 IT之家 2 月 23 日消息,苹果日前发布了一款名为“Apple Sports”的免费应用,不过用户初期反馈并不积极,由于缺失多项主流功能引发用户质疑,认为苹果公司对其最新应用的投入不高。IT之家查询 Reddit 社区、X 平台的网友反馈,用户反馈最多的是,这款...