找到解压后的相对路径BootCamp\Drivers\Apple里的AppleWirelessMouse64.exe以管理员账号运行,用户账户控制功能可能询问“你要允许来自未知发布者的此应用对你的设备进行更改吗?”,此时点“是”确定继续安装完这个驱动程序。 以管理员账号安装下载到的MagicMouse.exe,注意点下一步Next按钮两下后的界面要进行一个选择,指明...
终极滚动解决方案 如果你渴望最流畅的滚动体验,不妨试试X-Mouse Button Control。通过下载并安装这个程序,按照下图所示的设置,只需勾选"Make scroll wheel scroll window under cursor",轻轻一点,你的Magic Mouse就将在Windows 10上实现无缝滚动,畅享无阻的操作。额外提示 别忘了,X-Mouse Button ...
Magic Mouse 2 scroll gesture on Boot Camp Windows 10 pro I just got my magic mouse 2 today and wanted to use it in windows as well, after testing it and installing the bootcamp drivers from here: https://support.apple.com/kb/DL1837?locale=en_US it still isn't working. My device is...
Mouse scroll wheel not working So my mouse scroll wheel isnt working on my computer, I tried it on my other brothers macbook air and it seems to work on there but not mine. I am using the Logitech g305 mouse and I didnt find any thing wrong with the mouse itself. Its not just my...
Magic Mouse not scrolling: Restart Bluetooth Service If the insufficient power source is not the reason forApple wireless Mouse scroll not working, then maybe it's a problem with the Bluetooth connection. Sometimes, the Bluetooth connection does not work correctly if used for a very long time. ...
Magic Mouse not scrolling properly, what to do? Your Magic Mouse performs weirdly when you scroll or move it on screen. That indicates certain issues on your Mac prevent your Magic Mouse from working properly. For instance, system problems, software conflicts, or others. ...
Universal Control is a software feature for Apple devices such as MacBooks and iPads that makes it possible to use a single keyboard, mouse, and trackpad with your Mac and iPad as long as they're side-by-side. Much like SideCar, there are limited settings for Universal Control. Without...
Notdaylight savings time. deactivate Seeactivate, deactivate. deafblind, Deafblind Usedeafblindto refer generally to people who have a combination of vision and hearing loss, or to refer to a medical condition or diagnosis. If you are deafblind, you can turn on Taptic Time in VoiceOver on ...
Does a user-hidden NSWindow count as a closed window? For me (and other users) the API works as expected and the app stays running when the app is hidden as the Mac sleeps. applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed is not called until all windows are actually closed. ...
Does The Apple Mouse Have A Scroll? Yes, you can scroll with the Apple Mouse. Standard mice have scroll wheels that enable users to scroll up and down on their PCs. However, the Apple mouse uses sensors to identify simple gestures like scrolling and swiping. ...