1 从 iTunesSetup.exe 中解压 AppleMobileDeviceSupport*.msi 2 msiexec /l*vx <你的日志路径> /i <AppleMobileDeviceSupport.msi的路径> 3 用记事本打开日志文件,搜索“error:”4 在我遇到的情况下,提示UpdateDriverForPlugAndPlayDevices文件未找到。因此我执行了`msiexec /a <AppleMobileDeviceSupport.msi的...
打开设备管理器 找到Portable Devices下会看到一个设备apple ipod如图 右键点击此设备,选择更新驱动程序出现下图 选择第二个选项手动更新驱动程序 地址栏里选择刚才前面复制好的文件夹 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support\Drivers 点击一下步 点击下一步,完成更新驱动程序 5. 重启一下电脑...
2. 用WinRar解压刚才下载的iTunesSetup.exe,可以看到解压出很多文件,其中有一个是AppleMobileDeviceSupport.msi。 右键点击AppleMobileDeviceSupport.msi -> Properties(属性)-> Details(详细)记录程序的版本号留作备用,这里对应的是 新建一个记事本文件,将下面横杠内的内容copy进去,然后另存为后缀名为reg...
Yes, you'll need Apple Mobile Device Support if you have an iPhone, iPad, or iPod and need to sync contents between your Apple devices with iTunes on your computer. But you don't need iTunes to sync or backup Apple devices, Apple Mobile Device Support is not needed on your computer ...
无法自动随itunes一起安装。解决办法的原理就是从itunes将Apple mobile device support驱动单独提取出来,导入正常 注册表信息并手动安装此驱动。 iphone或者64位系统遇到此问题,原理应该是一样的。 itunes长期会更新,附近里的注册表和驱动程序版本总会过期,下面解决问题的原理和详细步骤写出来,请各位有耐心的看一...
4)Apple Mobile Device Support 5)Apple 应用程序支持(32位) 6)Apple 应用程序支持(64位) Tips:非64位电脑,不显示Apple 应用程序支持(64位) 4.打开任务管理器(快捷键Ctrl+Alt+Del),找到Apple开头的进程点右键结束掉,其次找到iTunes开头的,iPod开头的也同样将其结束掉。
Device Support 真机调试 卡顿,1.打开“访达”,shift+command+G到资源库“~/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOSDeviceSupport/”删除该目录下所有文件快捷键(shift+command+G到资源库)全部删除文件夹下所有文件2.选择Xcode->Window->Devices ...
"Apple Mobile Device Support wasn't installed on your computer. The installer encoutered errors before Apple Mobile Device Support could be configured. Your system has not been modified. To retry these operations at a later time, please run the installer again." However, I've successfully install...
Apple Mobile Device Support I have been at this for about a week now, and to be honest I am getting really hacked off with Apple, I must have uninstalled and reinstalled ITunes about 50 times, but it never installs the Mobile Device Support, therefore I can not connect any of my I...