以下用户的用户个人资料: 元春来自重庆 元春来自重庆作者 用户级别:级别 1 0 积分 ...
数据线应该没问题,我有两根,都可以充电,手机连上电脑都有声音。右键电脑服务里面的apple mobile device sevice,bonjour还有ipod service都开启了。设备管理器里面能看到apple mobile device usb driver有黄色感叹号,但是更新驱动程序的时候,用自动搜索安装,显示驱动程序已是最新。从指定位置安装,安装那个usbaapl64.inf(我...
以下用户的用户个人资料: 律动 律动 用户级别:级别 4 2,050 积分
SErifWindows7:用户请右键点击【我的电脑】—属性—设备管理器—通用串行总线 控制器—Apple Mobile Device USB Driver,有没有叹号,如果有,请右键更新驱动 3.如果是电脑的 itunes 驱动启动失败,我们可以打开电脑的 1)打开“控制面板”--“管理工具---服务 2)打开服务(本地),寻找到“AppleMobile Device”,双击打...
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Xcode 16 Transform your ideas into code. Introducing Pathways Your first step toward developing for Apple platforms. visionOS 2 iOS 18 iPadOS 18 macOS Sequoia watchOS 11 tvOS 18 What’s new for Apple developers Discover even more new and updated technologies across Apple platforms, so you can ...
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Crossing a road, a drunk driver ran a red light, slammed into me, and shattered my left knee. It made all the difference. I was forced to postpone college, plunged into painful therapy . . . but eventually, I also learned much about life and myself. I found the strength to withstand...
10. viewTree() 获取json格式的view树 此ViewTree结果参考viewTree.json 远程frida支持 在hooker根目录有一个.hooker_driver文件,内容默认是-U表示通过usb连接frida-server。 stephen@ubuntu:~/hooker$ cat .hooker_driver -U 如果你的frida-server绑定在0.0.0.0:27042,并且你需要远程连接的话。你需要知晓你的手机...