1 打开日志记录(方法二选一)1. 注册表:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Installer新建字符串值,Logging,值voicewarmupx2. 组策略:计算机配置 - 管理模板 - Windows组件 - Windows Installer - 指定 Windows Installer 在事务日志中记录的事件类型设置为已启用,日志记录值voicewarmupx解包 ...
3. 到 http://legroom.net/software/uniextract 下载UniExtract Installer 并安装,然后用UniExtract解压AppleMobileDeviceSupport.msi这个文件,可以得到一个名称为 AppleMobileDeviceSupport 的文件夹,点击进入这个文件夹并进入Common Files -> Apple -> 文件夹,这时可以看到 Mobile Device Support 这个文件夹。
On a MacBook Pro 2017 running Ventura 13.6.1, I cannot restart because the computer is trying to install Mobile Device. However, the install is frozen and the warning message advises, "Interrupting the install may damage your computer." What do I do now?
Shouldn't have anything to do with the issue. Can you use System Restore to go back to a point before you used Revo and CCleaner. This might allow the steps I've outlined to complete successfully. See also Re: apple mobile device service will not install. Itunes and all its other com...
网上搜索的结果,其中一种办法就是,先找到对应的itunes,用压缩软件打开,提取解压Apple Mobile Device Support出来。然后运行,选择“卸载”。单独的Apple Mobile Device Support没有提供下载,这个是第一问题。于是找了一晚上。我的是Apple Mobile Device Support (64位)版本,就找这个对应的...
就出现下面的状况 ,我也试过重装iTunes 但是没办法重新安装apple mobile device support。试了网上好多办法都不行,看看这方法。方法/步骤 1 1、先下载Windows Installer Clean UP进行安装 2 2、c盘搜索msicuu.exe,然后运行 3 3、选择apple mobile device support 然后点击remove即可删除 ...
3. 到http://legroom.net/software/uniextract下载UniExtract Installer 并安装,然后用UniExtract解压AppleMobileDeviceSupport.msi这个文件, 可以得到一个名称为 AppleMobileDeviceSupport 的文件夹,点击进入这个文件夹并进入Common Files -> Apple -> 文件夹, ...
3. 到http://legroom.net/software/uniextract下载UniExtract Installer 并安装,然后用UniExtract解压AppleMobileDeviceSupport.msi这个文件, 可以得到一个名称为 AppleMobileDeviceSupport 的文件夹,点击进入这个文件夹并进入Common Files -> Apple -> 文件夹, ...