目前只需在以上支持的浏览器上输入网址beta.maps.apple.com即可进入到网页版Apple地图Public Beta版的页面,用户可得到驾驶与步行的路线导航,寻觅好去处与有用资讯,包括照片、营业时间、评分和评论等。至于Apple地图App中大受欢迎的Look Around(环视四周)功能将于未来数月在网页版推出。Apple指所有开发者,包括使用MapKit...
目前只需在以上支持的浏览器上输入网址beta.maps.apple.com即可进入到网页版Apple地图Public Beta版的页面,用户可得到驾驶与步行的路线导航,寻觅好去处与有用资讯,包括照片、营业时间、评分和评论等。至于Apple地图App中大受欢迎的Look Around(环视四周)功能将于未来数月在网页版推出。Apple指所有开发者,包括使用...
12月18日,苹果公司在其网页版Apple Maps中推出了期待已久的“环顾四周”(Look Around)功能,为用户带来了类似于谷歌街景的沉浸式体验。此功能不仅兼容Safari、Chrome、Edge和Firefox四大主流浏览器,更可以在Mac、iPad以及Windows PC上使用,真是科技爱好者的福音! 用户现在可以360度环视自己喜欢的餐厅、商店、地标和街道...
It’s also important to note that the maps have improved and added a new feature. Check out how to use theLook Around feature in Apple Maps. It’s similar to Street View in Google Maps. It’s not quite as responsive, but from my testing, some of the images are crisp and appear bet...
近日,苹果公司在其网页版Apple Maps上推出了备受期待的新功能——“环顾四周”(LookAround),这项创新将为用户带来媲美谷歌街景的沉浸式街景体验,让用户能够更直观地探索城市与街道。这一功能不仅具备高分辨率的地面视图,还支持多种设备和主流浏览器,使得更多用户能够便捷地使用这项服务。
Apple Maps is seemingly preparing for a significant expansion of its "Look Around" feature to compete more aggressively with Google's...
Apple is bringing Look Around to more areas, including an expansion of existing locations for the Apple Maps feature and into new countries, including Egypt, China, and Turkey.
Apple recently expanded its "Look Around" feature in Apple Maps to Phoenix, Arizona, providing 3D street-level imagery that's similar to...
MapKit JS lets you embed interactive maps directly into your websites across platforms and operating systems, including macOS, Windows, and Android. Like MapKit for apps, you can also add annotations and overlays to the map to call out points of interest or user destinations. ...
How to Use Apple Maps on a Windows PC Briefly put, you have two different methods to go about this. You can either use the DuckDuckGo search engine or, alternatively, you can install a virtual machine and then run the Apple Maps on that. Let's look at both methods one by one. ...