终极大招: X-Mouse Button Control实现在windows10上平滑滚动,下载地址: 下载程序包,常规安装,这里不再赘述,设置如下图所示: 单击左下角的Settings按钮,打开通用设置,勾选“Make scroll wheel scroll window under cursor”一项,完成单...
Magic Mouse 2 scroll gesture on Boot Camp Windows 10 pro I just got my magic mouse 2 today and wanted to use it in windows as well, after testing it and installing the bootcamp drivers from here: it still isn't working. My device is...
✅ apple mouse scroll support:Bootcamp approach does not support WIndows 11 and the instructions are vague for installing these drivers on a Windows 11 laptop...mine is an HP laptop...
Page G30 New Letter Scroll Page G31 Graphic Toolbox Page G32 3D Hidden Line Remove Page G33 Applesoft Windows Page G34 Window Magic Page G35 Fensterln am Apple II Page G36 Adding Hires Commands to Applesoft and Dumping Hires Pictures on printer ...
Magic Mouse 2 scroll gesture on Boot Camp Windows 10 pro I just got my magic mouse 2 today and wanted to use it in windows as well, after testing it and installing the bootcamp drivers from here: it still isn't working. My device is...
I might add features in the future which enhance the Apple Magic Mouse, but currently, Mac Mouse Fix has no effect on it. Are tiltable scroll wheels supported? Some mice let you tilt the scroll wheel left or right to scroll horizontally. Mac Mouse Fix will make this feel more natural an...
I use my middle scroll ball as a 3rd button to open up new tabs, close tabs, etc. I use my "squeeze" 4th button to show me all windows in Expose. anyone else with me?? Yeah, I'm with you on this. I really wanted to purchase the Magic Mouse, but without 3rd and 4th bu...
January 11, 2023 11:03PM Touchscreen on a laptop would require re-designing interfaces to be more touch friendly. Touch friendly requires larger targets and scroll areas. So the trade-off is less potential operating space on the screen for fine detailed work you can do with a mouse. Wind...
Pathos: Nethack Codex now: Google Play, Apple iTunes Windows Store/Desktop v7.3 Quote Major changes since the last public release:...