14 英寸 MacBook Pro 的生产用电中有 45% 来自低碳电力12 已获得 ENERGY STAR® 能源之星认证14 包装 采用100% 的纤维包装材料15 纤维包装材料中含有 51% 的再生成分 废弃物 作为Apple 废弃物零填埋项目的一部分,既有的总装工厂不产生任何需要填埋的废弃物 ...
The specs have of course improved tremendously year over year. The Mac Pro was born after Apple decided to migrate to Intel based CPUs. It started with a dual-socket Conroe based Xeon, later saw an upgrade to Clovertown and then in 2009 moved to Nehalem. This summer Apple updated the har...
officially, the max RAM for that year of MacBook Pro is 8 GB, but many users have installed and used 16 GB with no problem at all… macsales.com has ram for sale for that… see link ; https://eshop.macsales.com/shop/memory/Apple_MacBook_MacBook_Pro/Upgrade/DDR3… current price...
"MacBook Pro doesn't match up with specs: I recently bought a 2010 MacBook Pro a1278 that I assumed had a Core 2 Duo and the other specs that came with the Mid-2010 model. However, when I booted up into OS X, it claimed that it was a Mid-2012 model with the i7 processor.[....
An attentive Mac Rumors reader pointed out that by looking at OS X’s System Profiler you can find out what GPU is being used: the active GPU will list the specs of the display it’s driving: The inactive GPU will simply state that there’s “No Display Connected”. Start up ...
看看新款 MacBook Pro 有何新亮点。 速度最高提升至9.8 倍, 高难重任飞快搞定3。 Liquid 视网膜 XDR 显示屏, 绚丽夺目。 内置神经网络引擎, 强力加持各类 AI功能。 续航最高 再添14 小时4 (总共最长达24 小时5) 速度最高提升至7.8 倍, 高难重任飞快搞定6。
MacBook Air Lean. Mean. M3 machine. Learn moreBuy iPad Pro Unbelievably thin. Incredibly powerful. Learn moreBuy Hello, Apple Intelligence. AirPods Pro 2 Now with a Hearing Aid feature.1 Learn moreBuy Apple Trade In Get $180–$650 in credit when you trade in iPhone 12 or higher.2 ...
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Apple, iBook, iMac, Mac, Mac Pro, MacBook, MacBook Pro, PowerBook, and Xserve are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Other marks may be the trademark or registered trademark property of their owners. ...
Today I compared the specs of these two: 12-core Mid 2010 2,93 GHz MacPro with two X5670 processors and the new 12-core Late 2013 2,7 GHz MacPro with E5-2697v2 processor. The 2010 one has a cinebench score of 1400 and the 2013 MacPro has 1600. So they seem to be very ...