更新watchOS 以解决 Apple Watch 无法开机的问题 过时的软件版本是 Apple 徽标卡住问题的常见原因之一。 将 Apple Watch 更新到最新系统可以修复与软件相关的错误和故障。 要更新您的手表,请确保您的 iPhone 连接到稳定的 Wi-Fi 并且 Apple Watch 已连接充电器。 打开手表应用程序,转到我的手表选项卡,点击常规,然后...
正文 1 1、Apple Watch 到手后,你要做的第一件事就是给它充电。充好电后,你就可以开机了:按住侧边键两到三秒,屏幕上就会出现一个苹果 logo(如下图)2、开机后,你需要选择语言(如下图),选择语言之后,下一个屏幕会提示你打开 iPhone 上的 Apple Watch app ( iPhone 升级到 iOS 8.2 后会自动...
Is the flashing Apple logo on Apple Watch causing it not to boot correctly? Shortly after the release of WatchOS 8, several users are encountering a startup problem on their smartwatch. Reportedly, the Apple Watch gets stuck in the boot loop with an Apple logo that keeps appearing and ...
背面一串英文上有logo的 …一看就看到了 gnhy911 S6 12 在脑门上贴一句:我戴的是apple watch 不就好了 大爷蛋 S5 11 买三块,一个右手,一个左手,一个用绳子挂脑门上,不要问为什么,就是任性 大风刮草垛k 开箱咯 4 你很有想法,我给你纹身吧 聖誕老東東 初代 6 只能把手表发过来戴了 登录...
在iPhone 上打开 Apple Watch App。 前往“我的手表”标签界面,然后轻点屏幕顶部的“所有 Apple Watch”。 轻点你要取消配对的手表旁边的“信息”按钮 。 轻点“取消配对 Apple Watch”,然后轻点“取消配对 [你的 Apple Watch 名称]”。 对于GPS + 蜂窝网络机型,请选择保留你的套餐。
Logo appeared for 10 sec then turned of for 5 sec and so on. I turned off the watch by pressing both buttons then the minute it turned off I immediately pressed only the crown botton. Hold it until red "!" appears then double click on the second side button. Thats it. But it took...
Re: Apple Watch only logo on won’t switch on Click the link below to see this discussion thread on a similar situation: My Apple Watch just stay on the apple log… - Apple Community If that hasn't helped try this one: Discussion thread: Apple Watch frozen on apple icon - Apple Commu...
With Apple Watch, users can select from a wide array of clock face color, style and complication customizations, but there's one option not available out of the box: Apple's own logo. Unlike traditional watch brands, which use space on the watch face to prominently feature their logo, App...
我暂时不能理解图片,但根据文本内容我可以提供以下回答 你的问题听起来像是Apple Watch S1无法正常开机,并且当试图充电时它只是闪烁苹果的Logo。这可能是由于电池老化、硬件故障或者系统问题导致的。下面是一些可能的解决方案:1. 检查充电器和电缆:确保你正在使用原装的Apple Watch充电器和电缆。如果这些不是原始的配件...
1. Find My Watch Before doing anything, try this tip. This involves using Find My Watch to force your Apple Watch to exit the Apple logo screen. Here is how: On your iPhone, open the Apple Watch app. Then tap My Watch tab.