4.8 平均10小时发货 客服平均16秒回复 服务体验优秀 已售少于100 ¥380点击查看更多 配送: 广东广州至 北京东城 快递: 免运费现货,付款后48小时内发货 保障: 7天无理由退货 破损包退 查看更多 参数信息 品牌 Apple/苹果 苹果型号 Lightning Digital AV
https://www.walmart.com/ip/Apple-Lightning-Digital-AV-Adapter-Lightning-to-HDMI-adapter-HDMI-Lightning/44705398More details Warnings CHOKING HAZARD - Children Under 3 This toy is not suitable for ages under 3 years. It contains one or more of the following items: marbles, small ball, or sma...
这款转换器将 Lightning转HDMI转换器与配备闪电接囗的iPhone、iPad或iPod配合使用。通过Lightning转HDMI转换器,可将你设备屏幕上的app、演示文稿、网站、幻灯片等显示内容,以最高可达1080p的高清格式镜像显示在配备VGA的电视、显示屏、投影仪或其它兼容的显示屏上。
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Lightning AV Digital Adapter requires too much power Hello! I have a lightning to HDMI adapter that has worked fine for months. Using it with my wife’s iPhone 13 Pro or with our iPad works and the image is transmitted to our TV. However when I use my iPhone 14 Pro (iOS version 18...
Lightning to HDMI adapter stopped working after iOS 16.1.1 This was working perfectly until the update. My wife has exactly the same phone but did not update to 16.1.1 and her's still works the way it did before. This is obviously and update issue. Is it possible a setting on the pho...
I want to view apple tv movies/programs using the lightning digital to HDMI adapter from SE 2020 to tv. I think it might work for mirroring the iphone but not for use with apple TV. The settings section for TV says it will not play via digital av adapter? What's going on? Thanks ...
Lightning Digital AV Adapter - Lightning to HDMI - Apple some complaint not all things work with it though and airplay mirror to a tv that supports airplay 2 or with an appletv box connected to it works much better. Reply of 1 iPhone XR connection to my tv Welcome to Apple Support...
I have a lightning digital AV adapter. I use it to connect my iPad 9 to a HDMI screen. Is possible to use this lightning digital AV adapter together with a lightning to usb c adapter? For example can I connect a new iPad Pro or an other usb c device to HDMI with this combination ...
It seems you're having trouble with playing video from your devices using the Lightning Digital AV Adapter. Since this seems to progressively become an issue, it's possible that the attached HDMI cable could be the concern. Could you test with another HDMI cable? If the cable can't handle...