The Discoverable part is only for the device suggestion algorithm, to improve the 'raw' contact details and other privacy related parts are not visible to Apple or the user. See another resource:
Dans le fichier journal, recherchez la ligne suivante :[ADMIN MODE] SSO extension has captured following app bundle identifiers: Elle doit contenir tous les identificateurs de bundles d’applications visibles par l’extension SSO. Utilisez les ID de bundles pour configurer l’authentification unique...
Apple Announces iOS 17 With 'StandBy' View, Journal App, Siri Changes, and More Monday June 5, 2023 11:22 am PDT by Hartley Charlton Apple today announced iOS 17, the next major operating system for the iPhone, introducing a range of new communication and sharing features. iOS 17 features...
We'll explain how to use the GroupSessionJournal API to sync large amounts of data faster and show you how to adopt it in a demo of the sample app DrawTogether. 24:53 Support Cinematic mode videos in your app iOS, iPadOS, macOS Discover how the Cinematic Camera API helps your ...
Apple is planning to launch aDay One-style iPhone journaling app to let users compile their daily activities, as part of its efforts in the physical and mental health market, reportsThe Wall Street Journal. From thepaywalled report: The software will compete in a category of so-called journali...
Microsoft lets Windows 11 loose on the world Oct 05, 20213 mins news analysis Microsoft sets perpetual-license Office 2021 prices, reveals new-feature list Oct 04, 20214 mins news analysis Chrome, Edge kick off faster release cadence; enterprises can skip versions ...
importSwiftUI@mainstructMyApp:App{varbody:someScene{#ifos(iOS)WindowGroup{TabView{ContentView().tabItem {Label("Journal", systemImage:"book")}SettingsView().tabItem {Label("Settings", systemImage:"gear")}}}#elseifos(macOS)WindowGroup{AlternativeContentView()}Settings{SettingsView()...
Perhaps Adobe should focus more on creating great HTML5 tools for the future, and less on criticizing Apple for leaving the past behind.” Shortly thereafter, in an interview with the Wall Street Journal, Adobe CEO Shantanu Narayen said: “The technology problems that Mr. Jobs mentions in his...
(Windows) Microsoft Excel 97-2003 Display Types Balloons Journal Message Office Explorer Options Calendar Flagging General LastUILang: <Not Found> Mail MSHTML International Reminders RSS ToDoBar WunderBar Perf RoamingStreamsCache 12026F807AFBC94FA1BDB25DAF8B2370 15B5E50C93003C4488B4263154871139 1792EBF29...
the HDs are all journal-enabled, OS X extended formats have looked on here for previous posts, past suggestion was to disable creation of DS_Store files - not really a solution and realistically, defeats the purpose of their creation any ideas anyone? would appreciate any thoughts or sugestions...