voicemail is not showing up how do i fix the issue of my voicemails now showing up on my iPhone 11 for about 5 or 6 hours? 4 years ago 918 1 voicemail My Iphone 6 does not show that I have any voicemails - how do I fix? 3 years ago 666 1 2018 iPhone XR stopped showin...
Voicemail Notification not working iphone8 The Voicemail icon used to show a number next to it when there was any voicemail. I switched from Verizon to Consumer Cellular---I set up voicemail ok---but I have to dial voicemail in order to find out if there is any. Does anyone know how ...
在iPhone 上设置语音信箱 在“电话” App 中,可视化语音信箱和实时语音留言会显示留言列表。你可以选取要播放的留言,以及将其删除而无需听完所有留言。“语音留言”图标上的标记指示了未读留言的数量。 【注】语音留言和可视化语音信箱在部分国家或地区由部分运营商提供。
Voicemail . If switching to an iPhone, you could be directed to the automated Voicemail system. If so, follow the voice prompts. If unsuccessful, you can dial *86 to manually set up. Tap Set Up Now . If the 'Set Up Now' pop-up doesn't appear, your Voicemail has already been set ...
在iPhone 上检查语音留言 在“电话”应用中,Visual Voicemail(部分运营商提供)以列表形式显示留言。您可以选取要播放的留言,以及将其删除而无需听完所有留言。“语音留言”图标上的标记指示了未读留言的数量。 【注】语音留言和 Visual Voicemail 仅在部分地区由部分运营商提供。
When a number or contact is blocked on your Apple®iPhone®, calls are sent to Voicemail, but no voicemail notifications are received. Messages that are sent or received won't be delivered. For additional ways to block on your iPhone, check outApple's support page. ...
Live Voicemail is functional in both the developer and public betas, and the way the feature is set up has someiPhoneusers wondering if it's too confusing. With the Live Voicemail feature enabled, the default voicemail message that was used in iOS 16 has changed. Unless you have a custom-...
所有支持 eSIM 的 iPhone 机型都可以同时储存多个 eSIM,并且可以同时安装两张已激活的 SIM 卡来使用双卡功能。 你可以安装一张实体 SIM 卡和一个 eSIM 来使用双卡功能。iPhone 13 各款机型及更新机型不仅支持安装一张实体 SIM 卡和一个 eSIM 来使用双卡功能,还支持通过两个 eSIM 来使用双卡功能。没有实体 SIM...
iPhone 12pro voicemail problem When I go to Greeting, I record a custom greeting but the Save is greyed out - I can’t save it. Help? iPhone 12 Pro Max Posted on Apr 13, 2022 11:29 AM (13) Me too (42) Reply Question marked as Top-ranking reply ...
在中国大陆、香港和澳门,某些 iPhone 机型支持通过两张 nano-SIM 卡来使用双 SIM 卡功能。这意味着,你可以使用两个电话号码来拨打和接听电话,以及发送和接收短信。 如果你在香港或澳门,且使用的是 iPhone 13 mini、iPhone 12 mini、iPhone SE(第 2 代和第 3 代)或 iPhone XS,请了解如何通过 eSIM 来使用双...