iPhone 使用手册欢迎使用 欢迎使用 iPhone iPhone 机型 兼容iOS 18 的 iPhone 机型 iPhone XR iPhone XS iPhone XS Max iPhone 11 iPhone 11 Pro iPhone 11 Pro Max iPhone SE(第 2 代) iPhone 12 mini iPhone 12 iPhone 12 Pro iPhone 12 Pro Max iPhone 13 mini iPhone 13 ...
【注】使用VoLTE(Voice over LTE,即语音 LTE)时,电话会议功能或其中的某些功能可能不可用。 在iPhone 上前往“电话” App 。 在iPhone 上通话时,轻点“添加通话”,拨打另一个电话,然后轻点“合并通话”。 重复此步骤以将更多人添加到通话中。 通话期间,执行以下任一项操作: 与某个人单独通话:轻点,然后轻点联系...
Here's how to send a message reply to a Voicemail message on your iPhone. Open the Phone app on your Apple®iPhone®. Tap Voicemail . Select the message then tap the Info icon next to the message. Tap Message . If prompted, tap the sending option (e.g., 10-digit phone number o...
iphone 8 voice message in text stopped working Nothing happens when I tap the microphone button to send a voice message through text. Well, it let's me voice to a written text, but does not record my voice when I want to send a quick voice message. The other fixes I have seen in ...
My first iPhone (Gen 1) bought in UK, already had a feature where I could choose which voice message I wanted to listen to first!! However, 3 years later, when I moved to Australia, I noticed the mobile phones providers (selling iPhone) did not offer this feature (and a few others,...
将iPhone 开机并设置 设置蜂窝移动网络服务 连接到互联网 Apple ID 和 iCloud 设置 将使用手册添加为书签 基础知识 唤醒和解锁 了解基本手势 了解iPhone X 及后续机型的手势 通过三维触控预览和使用快捷键 探索主屏幕和应用 更改设置 更改屏幕外观 更改或锁定屏幕方向 ...
iPhone 13 Pro Whatsapp Voice Message Problem I have a problem with my iPhone 13 Pro, it happens when I play a Whatsapp voice note or Whatsapp voice call on my ear not on speaker, I hear a robotic noise but it doesn’t happen all the time. Once I switch to speaker then back to...
如果iPhone 的蜂窝移动信号较弱,请使用“无线局域网通话”以通过无线局域网拨打和接听电话。通过“连续互通”,您可以在 iPad、iPod touch 或 Mac 上拨打和接听电话,电话会通过 iPhone 中继。
Voice message option disappeared Hi the option for sending voice message has disappeared from my iPhone. it only has a microphone option now that you can speak into but it just types the text automatically and doesn’t do it as an actual voice message. iPhone 6s, iOS 10 Posted on Nov...