It will usually say something like Apple USB Ethernet. Seems like when you turn your iPhone into a usb hotspot, windows needs another driver. SO WHERE DO WE FIND THIS DRIVER? Most of people have never installed a driver other than probably nvidia, in their lives. Go into this "faulty dev...
Apple Mobi..3-1、若没有apple mobile device USB driver,右键便携设备里的apple iphone,选择“更新驱动程序软件” 3-2、再选择“浏览计算机以查找驱动程序软件” 3-3、
方法/步骤 1 当设备处于恢复模式的时候,不识别硬件时,主要是电脑中“Apple Mobile Device USB Driver”的驱动没有安装。只好给硬件安装驱动 1、接上硬件,电脑提示找到硬件“Apple Mobile Device”,忽略。2、打开电脑的设备管理器,发现有黄色问号的硬件不识别,忽略。3、点开“通用串行总线控制器”4...
方法/步骤 1 当设备处于恢复模式的时候,不识别硬件时,主要是电脑中“Apple Mobile Device USB Driver”的驱动没有安装。只好给硬件安装驱动 1、接上硬件,电脑提示找到硬件“Apple Mobile Device”,忽略。2、打开电脑的设备管理器,发现有黄色问号的硬件不识别,忽略。3、点开“通用串行总线控制器”4...
你可以通过以下方式使用 iPhone 闪电基座: 将基座通过 iPhone 随附的 USB 线缆连接至电脑,同步 iPhone 并为其电池充电。 使用iPhone 随附的 Apple USB 电源适配器将基座连至电源插座来为电池充电。 将iPhone 放入基座中,在免提通话期间享受清晰音频。
苹果Apple mc516CH/A Nvidia Chipset中提取的网卡驱动适合Win_XP_32Bit 版本为Ethernet Driver (v73.28) WHQL 上传者:qq87774647时间:2010-12-04 苹果手机驱动 32/64位集合 苹果手机驱动有32位与64位,32位支持Windows XP、Windows Vista、Windows 7,64位支持Windows Vista、Windows 7,如果你的iphone不能连接电脑...
apple.driver.AppleMultitouchDriver\t7000.38 (addr 0xfffffff064bc0780, size 22796)\nloaded kexts:\\t1.0.0d1\\t1.0.0d1\\t7.0\\t1\
The iPhone is running iOS 4.3 From the crash log it is evident that it is the AppleUSBEthernet driver that is crashing (the driver that controls the iPhone USB internet connection) Replacing the KEXT might fix the issue. I am currently traveling by train, I noticed the crash triggered...
"adam_id":0,"build_version":"8613.","bundleID":"","share_with_app_devs":0,"is_first_party":1,"bug_type":"202","os_version":"iPhone OS 15.6 (19G71)","incident_id":"E1698252-601B-410E-BECA-C1BB0006F696","name":"
However, this only provides network access for the iPhone itself, not to create a hotspot for other devices. Bridge Ethernet through a Computer: This method involves using your computer as the intermediary host. Connect your iPhone to the computer via USB or Bluetooth, and then connect the ...