Feb 9, 2024 9:11 PM in response to iphonestolen1 Hey there, Apple can’t access your phone remotely, you can Find your lost iPhone with Find My App .If you can't find it or think it might be stolen, lock it to protect your information and stop someone else from using it See t...
在iPhone 或 iPad 上:前往“设置”>“[你的姓名]”>“登录与安全性”>“双重认证”。在“受信任电话号码”上方,轻点“编辑”。 在Mac 上:选取苹果菜单 >“系统设置”>“[你的姓名]”>“登录与安全性”>“双重认证”。在“受信任电话号码”部分,你可以添加和移除电话号码。
My IPhone have been stolen, I receive no support from apple My IPhone have been stolen on 17 Nov, i tracked it via find my then it went offline for one week. I enabled the lost mode and after a week the phone was turned on and the lost mode activated. then the phone went offline...
最新很多网友显示Apple ID账号被盗 iPhone手机登录Apple ID时,这个Apple ID是连接到苹果公司的服务器上的。如果苹果官方系统状态显示异常,Apple ID可能就无法正常使用了。 27日,国外科技媒体 9to5Mac 发文称,很多国外苹果用户自本周五开始,其设备在正常使用的情况下,突然就自动退出 Apple ID 账号,并被要求重置密码。
Before you complete these steps, be sure your device has thelatest version of iOSoriPadOS. On your iPhone, open the Wallet app and tap your Apple Card. On your iPad, go to Settings and tap Wallet & Apple Pay. Under Latest Card Transactions, tap the transaction that you want to report....
Released as part of Monday’s iOS 17.3 update, Apple’s new Stolen Device Protection feature can protect users from industrious phone thieves who’ve managed to learn the device’s passcode. An iPhone passcodehas been likenedto “a treasure box” that grants near-total access to the ...
You can't cancel the claim if a replacement device has shipped. If you find your lost or stolen iPhone after your claim has been approved, you won't be able to use that iPhone again. How to check the status of your claim To check the status of your claim, you might need this infor...
A new security feature may prevent such a situation from happening. Apple, the iPhone maker, recently released an update to its iOS operating system. It has a new feature called Stolen Device Protection. The feature makes it a lot harder for phone thieves to open the device and access import...
每年苹果只要推出新机,即便有果粉感到「没亮点」、「没惊喜」,但依旧引发热烈讨论;而在去年iPhone 14系列推出后,还不到1年时间,如今已有不少iPhone 15的相关传言,近日更是有外媒透露iPhone 15将有限定新色「酒红色」。根据科技网站《9to5mac》报导,有消息人士透露,这次iPhone 15 Pro系列将推出限定新色,为类似葡...
If a supervised device is lost or stolen, you can remotely erase the device. For example, if an employee loses their company-owned iPhone and it has proprietary information on it, you can send a command to erase the device, which removes all data from it. If the device is later found,...